National Federation of the Blind 2024 General Election Survey of Blind and Low-Vision Voters who Voted Absentee

This survey should be completed by blind and low-vision voters who voted by mail/absentee in the 2024 United States general election. If you are a blind or low-vision voter who voted at an early voting center or a polling place on Election Day, please complete the early voting/polling place survey.
1.What method did you use to mark your absentee/vote-by-mail ballot?(Required.)
2.I used the electronic ballot delivery system because....(If you used a paper ballot, select Other and enter N/A in the box below.)(Required.)
3.I used the paper absentee/vote-by-mail ballot because... (If you used an electronic ballot delivery system, select Other and enter N/A in the box below.)(Required.)
4.I thought the system I used to mark my ballot was easy to use:(Required.)
5.Please explain why you chose your specific response to question 4:(Required.)
6.Was it easy or difficult to use the electronic ballot delivery system with your computer? Please explain. If you used a paper absentee ballot, enter N/A in the box below.(Required.)
7.Did you use any of the following access technology to mark your ballot? Please select all that apply.(Required.)
8.If you checked any of the access technology options to question 7 above, please tell us how well the voting system you used worked with your access technology. If you answered “I did not use access technology” to question 7 above, please type N/A in the box below.(Required.)
9.I think that most people could learn to use the system/method I used to mark my ballot very quickly:(Required.)
10.I felt very confident that my vote was marked correctly with the system/method I used to mark my ballot:(Required.)
11.Would you have participated in this election if the system/method you used to mark your ballot was not available?(Required.)
12.The system/method I used to mark my ballot made it easier for me to vote:(Required.)
13.Please explain why you chose your specific response to question 12.(Required.)
14.Were you able to vote privately and independently in elections before this one?(Required.)
15.Did you have any trouble voting with the system/method you used to mark your ballot?(Required.)
16.If you answered “Yes” or “Maybe” to Question 15 above, please tell us what the problem was. If you answered “No,” please type N/A in the box below.(Required.)
17.Would you use the same system/method again to mark your absentee ballot in future elections?(Required.)
18.Overall, how satisfied were you with the system/method you used to mark your absentee/vote-by-mail ballot?(Required.)
19.How did you vote in the election before this one?(Required.)
20.In what state did you vote?(Required.)