TeamCare Kit Request TeamCare Kits provide team leaders with comprehensive materials and clear instructions to deliver engaging team experiences. Each kit includes facilitator notes, presentation slides, handouts, pre-work, and other resources, ensuring team leaders are fully equipped to foster meaningful conversations, on a range of topics. Sessions are between 60 and 90 minutes in length. Human Resources representatives are available for guidance in challenging team situations, and as a follow-up resource. Question Title * 1. Today's Date Date Date Question Title * 2. Team Leader's Name Requesting TCK Question Title * 3. Requester's Name if different than Team Leader Question Title * 4. Department Question Title * 5. Site and HR Leader Question Title * 6. Contact's E-Mail Question Title * 7. Select the TeamCare Kit you are requesting (choose one): Accountability: Building a Culture of OwnershipDescription: Helps leaders foster accountability within their teams by inspiring personal ownership and collective responsibility. Includes tools to align team actions with shared goals, thereby driving performance and trust. (90 minutes)Objectives:· Understand the role of accountability in building trust and team success.· Take personal ownership to contribute to shared goals.· Align actions with team and organizational priorities.· Enhance accountability through constructive feedback.· Create a personal plan to support and sustain a culture of ownership.Value:· We pursue excellence. Boosting Your Resilience at WorkDescription: This session equips Team Members with strategies to navigate challenges, recover from setbacks and thrive in high-pressure situations. It covers stress management, adaptability, and building a resilient mindset to enhance overall well-being and productivity in the workplace. (90 minutes)Objectives:· Define resilience and understand its importance.· Differentiate between a mindset that boosts resilience and one that does not.· Learn tools and strategies for self-care and well-being.· Develop a personal resilience plan.Values:· We serve with compassion.· We pursue excellence.· We honor every voice. Career Development PathwaysDescription: Resources and activities are provided for leaders to lead discussions, guide team members as they discover their strengths and how they contribute to team goals and offer means for exploring their own career paths. (60 minutes)Objectives:· Activate team members to consider their career aspirations based on their strengths.· Encourage team members to take control of their own career development.· Link individual career development to the goals of the team· Provide career development resources.Values:· We pursue excellence. Cohesive Team Decision MakingDescription: We all recognize that we can improve a team’s functioning when we are making decisions. This kit is based on the model Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team. Their researchers found a cohesive team makes better, faster decisions; taps into the skills and opinions of all members; avoids wasting time and energy on politics, confusion, and destructive conflict; creates competitive advantage; and is more fun to be on! (60 minutes)Objectives:· Formulate agreements for future team decision-making.· Discover the value of a cohesive, functional team when making decisions.· Practice behaviors that lead to good team decision-making· Formulate agreements for future team decision-making.Values:· We pursue excellence.· We honor every voice. Collaborative Influence: Shaping Outcomes TogetherDescription: This kit empowers leaders to harness collaborative influence, guiding teams to shape outcomes together. It provides tools to foster shared decision-making and drive collective success. (90 minutes) Objectives:· Understand the power of collaborative influence in shaping team outcomes.· Build trust and foster a culture of shared decision-making.· Enhance communication skills to engage others and manage diverse perspectives.· Practice co-creation strategies to develop collective solutions.· Create a personal plan to apply collaborative practices in daily work.Values:· We pursue excellence.· We honor every voice. Effectively Navigating through Conflict: Thomas-Kilmann Conflict ModeDescription: Team members complete a free Thomas Kilmann Conflict Mode assessment prior to the team meeting. Teams discuss the results and find ways to solve team conflict more effectively. (60 minutes)Objectives:· Define “conflict” as it relates to our team.· Interpret others’ conflict modes.· Consider how your preferred conflict mode affects teamwork.· Agree on how to handle conflict going forward.Values:· We serve with compassion.· We pursue excellence.· We honor every voice. Embracing Similarities and Differences: Using Personality TypeDescription: Knowing your behavioral preference style can help each team member contribute to the productivity of the team. Team members take a free online version of the MBTI and bring results to the session. Discussions and activities allow discovery of how to work together better. (90 minutes)Objectives:· To understand your behavioral preferences using the MBTI.· To recognize our behavior preferences, and how they may cause cohesion or conflict.· To identify ways to work together effectively knowing each other’s preferences.Values:· We serve with compassion.· We pursue excellence.· We honor every voice. Emotional Intelligence at WorkDescription: The session focuses on enhancing interpersonal skills, self-awareness, and empathy. Team members will learn to navigate emotions effectively, communicate empathetically, and build strong relationships, ultimately fostering apositive and collaborative work environment. (90 Minutes)Objectives:· Understand what emotional intelligence is.· Understand different emotions and how to manage them.· Learn how to notice and understand the emotions in others.· Learn how to use emotional intelligence to improve work performance.Values:· We serve with compassion.· We pursue excellence.· We honor every voice. Facilitating Difficult Conversations: Crucial Conversations Description: Team members will learn practical tools from the Crucial Conversations framework to navigate high-stakes conversations. Through group discussions and shared experiences, participants will explore techniques for fostering dialogue and approaching difficult topics with confidence and mutual respect. Objectives:· Enhance ability to engage in crucial conversations.· Foster a culture of openness and trust when addressing difficult topics.· Encourage open dialogue within the team.· Navigate conflict constructively and productively.Values:· We serve with compassion.· We honor every voice. Working with Mission, Vision, ValuesDescription: Activities guide the team toward understanding, identifying, and implementing using the Wellstar mission, vision, and values as they provide services to our patients and consumers. (60 minutes)Objectives:· Learn about Wellstar’s mission, vision, and values as they are exhibited on the team.· Provide messaging about how the team works together to support Wellstar’s mission, vision, and values.Values:· We serve with compassion.· We pursue excellence.· We honor every voice. A representative from the Leadership Development team will contact you and send materials. Question Title * 8. Please enter any specific concerns you may have about your team that made you want a TEAMCare Kit. If there are no concerns, you may leave this blank. Done