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* 1.
In 2023, LPS was a school where information about the school’s programs and activities was regularly communicated to parents/carers

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* 2. In 2023, LPS was a school where information about student’s progress was clearly communicated to parents and carers.

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* 3. In 2023, LPS was a school where information about student learning was shared between home and school.

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* 4. In 2023, LPS was a school where class activities were interesting and engaged students in learning.

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* 5. In 2023, LPS was a school where the backgrounds of all cultural groups were reflected in school practices and activities.

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* 6. In 2023, LPS was a school where teachers and families worked in partnership to support student’s learning both at school and at home.

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* 7. In 2023, LPS was a school where the needs of families were considered when organising school activities such as meetings.

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* 8. In 2023, LPS was a school where the wider community actively supported events to celebrate student achievements. eg. assemblies, concerts

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* 9. In 2023, LPS was a school where families were invited and encouraged to be involved in classroom and school activities.

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* 10. In 2023, LPS was a school where positive relationships existed between the school and its community.