Listening to Loss Survey

Thank you for taking part in this survey.

We want to find out about people's experiences with bereavement and loss.  We are aware that everyone grieves differently and each community draws on different people, places and resources to help them.  We'd like to hear about your experiences, about what you draw upon and what you wish was there but isn't.  Are there specific needs to you that you think are overlooked?

We are aware some of these questions might be difficult and involve difficult emotions.  If you are in any doubt, please feel free to not complete the survey.  If after completing this you'd appreciate a chat or some support, contact us at and we'd be happy to arrange a free support appointment for you.

The project is part of work we are doing with Compassionate Sheffield and DiverseCity Development Trust.

We appreciate you taking the time to complete this survey which should only take a few minutes.
1.What does loss mean to you?
2.What are the main challenges/barriers for you in receiving support in times of bereavement and loss?
3.Have you experienced challenges with any of the following?
4.Would you like to share any more information about your answers? (optional)
5.What people, places and resources do you rely on at times of loss or bereavement e.g. place of faith, community leader etc
6.What support do you wish was there but wasn't?
7.If there was one element you'd add to a Sheffield-wide bereavement support strategy, what would it be?  .
Thank you for your answers, every one of them will be listened to and taken very seriously


It will help us to know more about who has filled in our survey, but these questions are optional.  You can skip them if you choose.
8.Which race/ethnicity best describes you? (Please choose only one.)
9.What is your age?
10.What is your gender?
11.Please tell us the first part of your postcode e.g. S35
12.Is there any other feedback you'd like to add?
Thanks for completing our survey