Our new website is aiming to help position the town around (a) history, (b) community and (c) local craft. Please complete the sections below with unique text, weaving these three aspect through where possible.

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* 1. What is your name?

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* 2. DETAILS: What listing details would you like to appear for your business?

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* 3. BLURB: Please provide a short description about your business (less than 500 words)

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* 4. HOURS: What hours are you open? (if relevant)

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* 5. LOGO

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

Question Title


PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 7. If you'd like to be featured on the homepage, we require professional photos taken of your business by the WVCC photographer. Would you like photos done?
NOTE: We have arranged for complimentary photography of brick & mortar businesses in Wollombi & Laguna (non-accomodation). For accomodation businesses, we have a special rate available. Please tick below if you're interested.

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* 8. HISTORY: If the building your business is located in has any historic significance or interesting stories, please include them here (up to 1,000 words)

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* 9. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. Is there any additional information that you would like to include on your profile?


We showcase the stories of the community on the front page of our website- i.e. the people behind the businesses of Wollombi Valley. An example is provided below. We would love to collect and highlight your story in this section (and give extra exposure to your business). 

NOTE: In order to standardise the web experience for our visitors, you will need to have photography completed by the nominated WVCC photographer to appear in this section. Please tick 'yes' in question 9 if you need this done.

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* 10. HEADER: What names would you like to appear?

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* 11. PERSONAL HIGHLIGHT (100 words): What is your personal story of how you ended up in Wollombi, and how you became involved in your local business? Is there any history you can weave in?

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* 12. TYPE: What type of business is this?