Bioassays 2025 - Volunteer Interest Form Question Title * 1. Please enter your name, company name, and email address below: Name Company Email Address Question Title * 2. Check the volunteer position(s) that you interested in: Roundtable Facilitator Roundtable Scribe I'm happy to help where needed Question Title * 3. Please select your FIRST Roundtable topic of interest from the dropdown menu. Applications of AI for Bioassays Method comparability and method bridging: are they the same thing? Life cycle management of reagents and equipment Managing the potency of your reference standards How are you monitoring the health of your bioassay methods? Question Title * 4. On a scale of 1 - 5, how would you describe your proficiency with the topic selected above? 1 - Fundamental Awareness (basic knowledge) 2 - Novice (limited experience) 3 - Intermediate (practical application) 4 - Advanced (applied theory) 5 - Expert (recognized authority) Question Title * 5. Please select your SECOND Roundtable topic of interest from the dropdown menu. Applications of AI for Bioassays Method comparability and method bridging: are they the same thing? Life cycle management of reagents and equipment Managing the potency of your reference standards How are you monitoring the health of your bioassay methods? Question Title * 6. On a scale of 1 - 5, how would you describe your proficiency with the topic selected above? 1 - Fundamental Awareness (basic knowledge) 2 - Novice (limited experience) 3 - Intermediate (practical application) 4 - Advanced (applied theory) 5 - Expert (recognized authority) Question Title * 7. Which roundtable session would you prefer to volunteer for? Session 1 ONLY Session 2 ONLY Both Sessions - SAME TOPIC Both Sessions - DIFFERENT TOPICS I am happy to help where needed Question Title * 8. Registration will be required in order to participate. Do you agree to register if selected? Yes No Done