Contact Details

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* 1. What is your name?

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* 2. What is your current job title?

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* 3. Main Work Address

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* 4. Secondary Work Address (if applicable)

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* 5. Who are you currently working for?

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* 6. How many years of experience do you have working predominantly in the wound care area?

Clinic Profile

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* 7. What % of your patients present with diabetic foot ulcers?

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* 8. How many diabetic foot ulcers do you manage in a week?

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* 9. How would you describe your patient profile? i.e. balance of active ulcers/ post ulcer /charcot /amputation risk /preventative

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* 10. Which of the below offloading solutions do you prescribe/provide for your patients in your clinic?

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* 11. Do you refer any of your patients to another clinician or department for offloading solutions?

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* 12. What are your protocols for providing offloading solutions or referring onwards?

Training Requirements

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* 13. What type of training or experience have you had with providing or prescribing offloading solutions?

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* 14. Which type of offloading products do you feel you would most benefit from additional training on?

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* 15. What type of training or experience have you had with Total Contact Casting (non-removable)?

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* 16. What do you find confusing when choosing offloading solutions?

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* 17. What areas of offloading would you most like training on?

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* 18. Do you have you any further comments regarding your training needs?

Organisation of Training Days

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* 19. Would your workplace be capable of facilitating a one day training course on offloading?

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* 20. If we were to run a one day training course at your workplace, how many practitioners would be likely to attend and what are their names?

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* 21. If yes what type of facilities do you have, space, number of delegates that can be accommodated and who would be that main contact person?

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* 22. If we were to run a one day training course at your work place how many practitioners from your team and or near by would attend? What are their names and where do they work?

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* 23. We anticipate rolling out our training days across the country in the new year. Is there a particular date or day of the week that would suit your team?

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* 24. Do you have any further comments or suggestions?

Once we have reviewed the responses of this survey we will begin planning dates and venues for these workshops. We hope you will be able to attend your nearest event. Should you require any additional information or wish to discuss further, please contact us at or 021 4320277.