Preservation Programs & Priorities

Historic Hawaii Foundation is reviewing and updating its five-year strategic plan. HHF is seeking input from HHF members, community stakeholders, partners and the public. The survey responses will help HHF identify current issues, priorities and opportunities to support preservation of Hawaii's historic places and cultural resources. Participation in this confidential survey is important but voluntary. The information will be summarized into broad categories and will not include personal identifying information. The survey will take approximately 12 minutes.

Question Title

* 1. Rate your agreement with the following: Preserving Hawaii's historic places, buildings and cultural sites is important to me.

Question Title

* 2. Which of the following historic or cultural resources in your area do you believe are the most important to preserve? Select top 3.

  Most important (1) Second most important (2) Third most important (3)
Buildings and other structures that are historic and/or architecturally important
Archaeological sites of cultural importance
Districts with multiple buildings, structures and sites of cultural, historic, or architectural significance
Sites/structures/landscapes important to Native Hawaiian organizations and communities
Sites/structures/landscapes important to other cultures of Hawai‘i
Historic objects and structures such as bridges, ships, railroads and memorials
None of these are important

Question Title

* 3. How strongly do you agree or disagree that...

  Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
… historic preservation provides a public benefit that deserves financial support from government
…. historic buildings, sites, and landscapes are valuable contributors to a desirable living environment and quality of life
…. preserving historic buildings and sites contributes to the economic well-being of the community
… preserving Native Hawaiian cultural sites is important
… with proper planning, we can develop our communities and also protect our historic resources
… rapid growth is threatening the quality of life in my community
…Hawai’i should actively preserve places with cultural importance, even if it conflicts with the individual site's highest economic potential
...maintaining and preserving existing buildings and infrastructure provides an environmental benefit

Question Title

* 4. HHF's strategic focus areas are EDUCATE, ADVOCATE, ASSIST, PROTECT and SUSTAIN. How relevant are these categories for the next 5 years?

  Extremely relevant; needs to be a high priority focus Somewhat relevant; could be a focus area but lower priority Neither relevant nor irrelevant; no harm but not a priority Somewhat irrelevant; distraction from other issues Irrelevant; does harm or undermines priority actions
Educate: Build awareness, understanding and public support for historic preservation
Advocate: Support public policies, legislative and regulatory frameworks for preservation outcomes
Assist: Provide technical assistance, grants to others, hold perpetual easements, and provide information services
Protect: Support preservation of sites, buildings, structures, objects and districts
Sustain: Provide a financially stable, resilient and well-governed organization for long-term viability

Question Title

* 5. What emerging issues or concerns should HHF address in the next five years? Choose all that apply.

Question Title

* 6. Which of the following programs are the most important for Historic Hawaii Foundation to conduct? Select top 5.

  Most Important (1) Second Most Important (2) Third Most Important (3) Fourth Most Important (4) Fifth Most Important (5)
Reviewing and commenting on proposed impacts to historic sites to avoid or mitigate negative effects
Providing public education and outreach about historic places and their preservation
Recognizing excellence through the Preservation Honor Awards
Advocating for preservation policies, legislation or regulations with government organizations
Administering preservation grants and providing technical assistance to historic properties
Holding and enforcing preservation & conservation easements on historic buildings
Researching and presentations on preservation and history topics
Assisting with preservation planning, community development plans and emergency recovery plans

Question Title

* 7. Please share any other comments on issues, concerns or opportunities related to preserving Hawaii historic places and cultural resources.