Nominations Close on August 20th, 2024

Nominee for the Patriot of the Year Award must be non-veteran and a resident of San Mateo County.

Please note that your nominee will be notified of this nomination

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* 1. Nominee:

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* 2. Nominee's Address

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* 3. Place of Work

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* 4. Position

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* 5. Nominators Information

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* 6. Describe in detail what this nominee does to serve the veteran community.

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* 7. How many volunteer hours per year, on average, does this individual spend serving veterans? How many years has he/she been doing this?

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* 8. What other volunteer activities and/or organizations does the nominee regularly participate in (church, school, youth, civic, etc.)?

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* 9. Remember: We don't know your nominee. What additional information or stories can you share about the nominee that highlights why this nominee deserves to be recognized with this award?