Mental Health Awareness Question Title * 1. On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the most overwhelming, how would you rate your average daily level of anxiety? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Question Title * 2. Do you feel like you have a strong understanding of what anxiety is? Yes No Question Title * 3. How confident do you feel in managing your anxiety? Extremely confident Very confident Somewhat confident Not so confident Not at all confident Question Title * 4. Do you feel you have a clear understanding of what depression is? Yes No Question Title * 5. Do you know what causes depression? Yes No Question Title * 6. Do you feel you have a strong sense of personal control over most aspects of your life, such as home life, social life, academics, pursuing interests/activities, how to spend your personal time, etc.? Yes No Question Title * 7. Do you feel like you are more often told what decisions you need to make? Yes No Question Title * 8. Do you feel you have to meet other peoples’ expectations, whether it's regarding academics, social expectations, performance in sports or other extracurriculars, or other personal choices? Yes No Question Title * 9. Do you have high expectations for yourself, whether it's regarding academics, social expectations, performance in sports or other extracurriculars, or other personal choices? Yes No Question Title * 10. Do you have a consistent sleep schedule? Question Title * 11. Do you get enough sleep for your age? (Adolescents 12 and older need 8-10 hours/night.) Question Title * 12. Do you eat breakfast? Question Title * 13. Is there any other area of your life where you would like to have more personal control? Question Title * 14. How much time do you spend on social media each day? A great deal A lot A moderate amount A little None at all Question Title * 15. How frequently do you make decisions based on what you think others want you to do? A great deal A lot A moderate amount A little None at all Question Title * 16. How frequently do you make decisions based on how you want others to view you? A great deal A lot A moderate amount A little None at all Done