Thank you for taking the time to participate in IBA's 2020 Women in Business survey.

Your answers will help IBA design products and services that best suit the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander business women in the years ahead.

This survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.

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* 1. Your age

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* 2. Post code

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* 3. Business industry:

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* 4. How long have you been in business?

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* 5. Average business turnover?

Why are we asking? Understanding the revenue bands of our customers helps us to design the right products in the future.

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* 6. How many people do you employ?

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* 7. If you have employees, how many of these employees are Indigenous? 

Why are we asking? Indigenous employment outcomes is an important part of IBA's work and helps us to design our products and services.

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* 8. In the past 12 months, it has been hard to pay everyday living costs (housing, food, transport, health care, phone and internet, etc)?

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* 9. If your business was in trouble, what sort of savings would you have to fall back on? (savings or other assets like investment shares)?

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* 10. What technology do you have access to? (You can select multiple options)

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* 11. Do you have regular and reliable internet/WIFI access?

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* 12. ·How is your business impacted by your access to technology and internet?

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* 13. Using the options below, can you rank from most important to least important what you think will be most important in helping Indigenous businesses succeed in the next five years?

  1. The economy
  2. Government support
  3. Having the right people
  4. Location (where your business is based)
  5. Industry
  6. Technology 
  7. Starting capital (money to get started)
  8. Business coach / mentor

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* 14. Using the options below, can you rank from most important to least important the the things that as a business owner you would like assistance with?

  1. Business strategy
  2. Legal & taxation
  3. Marketing & communications
  4. Technology
  5. Financial (loans, equipment leasing, etc.)
  6. Business coach / mentor

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* 15. What is your level of confidence in receiving business assistance (i.e., business loan products) from one of the major banks?

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* 16. What do you think will be the biggest opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in business over the next five years?

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* 17. What do you think will be the biggest challenges for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in business over the next five years?

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* 18. What do you think are some of the key differences between Indigenous and non-Indigenous business models?


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* 19. Prior to your involvement with Strong Women Strong Business, had you heard of Indigenous Business Australia?

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* 20. What products and services would you like to see IBA have available for Indigenous business owners in the next five years? (You can select multiple)

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* 21. Are there any other ideas for how IBA could assist you in the years to come you would like to share with us?

COVID 19 questions

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* 22. On a scale of 1-10, how much has your business been impacted by the current COVID-19 crisis?

1 10

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* 23. How?

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* 24. On a scale of 1-10, how has the current COVID-19 crisis impacted your current financial situation?

1 10

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* 25. How?

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* 26. What assistance from organisations like IBA would be the most useful to you right now as a business owner dealing with the COVID-19 crisis?

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* 27. Are you aware of IBA’s COVID-19 business support and stimulus assistance packages?

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* 28. How do you think help Indigenous business survive and flourish post COVID-19?

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* 29. On a scale of 1-10, how much has your business been impacted by the current COVID-19 crisis? (1 = not impacted at all, 10 = significantly impacted)

1 10

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* 30. On a scale of 1-10, how much have your personal finances been impacted by the current COVID-19 crisis? (1 = not impacted at all, 10 = significantly impacted)

1 10

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* 31. If you are aspiring to be in business, on a scale of 1-10, how much has the current COVID-19 crisis deterred you from starting your business? (1 = hasn't deterred me at all, 10 = significantly deterred me)

1 10

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* 32. How long do you think your business will be impacted by the current COVID-19 situation?

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* 33. What assistance from organisations like IBA would be the most useful to you right now as a business owner dealing with the COVID-19 crisis?

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* 34. Is there anything else you would like to share with IBA?