This Journey of You (JOY) Assessment contains 9 areas that represent a holistic look at the multi-faced nature of your life. This exercise assesses your level of satisfaction and range of expression in these areas as a snapshot in time. As you work through the questions, you may notice areas of strength and security and areas where you may want to improve your level of satisfaction and joy.
Instructions: Rank each of the statements below on a scale from 1 (Highly Disagree) to 10 (Highly Agree), then total your scores for each area.
Data from this survey will be used in three possible ways:
1. As a self-evaluation tool (results will be sent to the email address you provide)
2. As prep for an upcoming coaching session
3. As data to analyze. With participant permission, surveys will be confidentially and anonymously compiled for overall analysis to better understand patterns of life satisfaction and capacity for joy. Please enter "yes" or "no" in question #1 to indicate permission to include your results in the overall analysis of global results.