
In October 2023, the Council announced proposals to relocate Bromley Central Library to a new site at 145 High Street, formerly the ‘Top Shop’.

Following the survey carried out in July to find out what residents would like from their Central Library, we have developed initial design concepts.

Thank you to everyone who completed the survey in July - we had over 1,300 respondents.

We are now asking for your feedback on our initial design concepts by Thursday 5 September.

More information on the proposals can be found on the Bromley Council website and the designs shown in this survey can also be viewed in Bromley Central Library and in the windows of the proposed site for the new library at 145, High Street (formerly Top Shop).

Important information about the collection and processing of data

All data collected as part of this survey will be treated in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and UK Data Protection Act 2018. This engagement will collect some personal data about you e.g. your sex/gender, age and ethnicity (these responses are optional), however, information requested should not be able to identify you. Our legal basis for collecting this information is your explicit consent and the Council will not use your information for marketing or any other purpose incompatible with the engagement.
12% of survey complete.