Three Kings School
Strategic Plan Input Survey


Thank you for taking the time to provide your input as a parent / caregiver.
Your responses are anonymous.
Strategic Plan Overview

This year the Board is responsible for creating our new Strategic Plan 2024 - 2026. It will shape priorities for the next three years for Three Kings School.

We have three key areas of focus, shown here: Equity (Mana Taurite), Community (Hapori) and Curriculum (Te Marautanga)

Our questions in this survey seeks your input on these areas.
Equity (Mana Taurite)

Equity is about removing barriers that might stand in the way of every child in our school community achieving their full potential.

Some of these barriers are obvious and well understood - others may be less clear or unconscious.

We are keen to understand from parents what barriers they might be concerned about for their own child
1.“What are the barriers - if any - you see for your child / children achieving their potential at school?”(Required.)
2.“What sort of tools does your child / children need to achieve their potential?”(Required.)
Community (Hapori)

The schools’ goal through community engagement is to continue to build deep connections with our broader local community.

We aim to develop mutually beneficial relationships, fostering understanding and engaging in shared learning experiences.
3.“How do you and your family connect to Three Kings School?”(Required.)
4.“What ways could we foster deeper connection between Three Kings School and community?”(Required.)
Curriculum (Te Marautanga)

The New Zealand Curriculum is in they middle of a multi year refresh ( It uses the latest research on learning with the model ‘Understand, Know and Do’

The main changes will begin from the start of next year and continue through to 2027. Our focus at Three Kings School will be ensuring teachers are well supported to implement these changes in the classroom. 

Schools will continue to have the ability to make sure learning is relevant and responsive to local need.
5.[Optional] “Are there any questions about the curriculum refresh that you would like Three Kings School to address?
6.[Optional] This survey is anonymous. However, if any of your responses require follow up, please provide your name and preferred contact method here for a Board member to be in touch.