Thanks in advance for your assistance and service.

Your expertise is needed throughout the state as Vermonters continue to deal with the impacts of last week's flooding and devastation.  The Vermont Secretary of State's Office of Professional Regulation (OPR) is partnering with the state's Department of Public Safety's Division of Fire Safety to help connect professionals like yourselves with Vermonters who need your expertise. The ultimate goal is to have lists of licensed plumbers and electricians organized by county.  We are asking that you fill out the following survey to help with this effort.  

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* 1. Are you a plumber or electrician? 

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* 2. Are you actively licensed and in good standing with the State? 

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* 3. Vermonters all over the State need help. In what counties are you willing to work?

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* 4. Please provide your preferred contact information for customers to reach you.

Thank you for sharing your information and helping Vermont to recover!