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* 1. What is your primary role with 21st CCLC?

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* 2. What grade levels does your program serve? Select all that apply.

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* 3. Which of the following best describes the area your program serves?

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* 4. How familiar are you with You for Youth (Y4Y)?

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* 5. Please rate your confidence to transfer the knowledge and/or skills you learned in today’s session:

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* 6. To what extent were the following objectives achieved?

  Completely Considerably Moderately Slightly Not At All
Define and demonstrate experiential learning approaches: scientific methods, design thinking and the engineering process
Connect experiential education to academic skill building, particularly in science and mathematics
Provide examples of experiential learning in Out-of-School time

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* 7. Please rate today's session on the following criteria:

  Excellent Good Average Limited Poor
Quality of content
Quality of presenter(s)
Pace of training given allotted time
Usefulness of training
Relevance of training

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* 8. If you rated any of the above as "not at all" or "poor," please explain:

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* 9. List any concepts or strategies you learned today that you are excited to share with a colleague or will use in your program:

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* 10. We are always seeking ways to improve our technical assistance and training. Please feel free to provide our Y4Y team with constructive feedback.

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* 11. Is there any topic within today’s presentation on which you would like additional training?

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* 12. Please share any additional thoughts, ideas or questions: