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As part of a package of measures currently in progress to support its town centres, Vale of Glamorgan Council has been working with a local communications agency on a Shop Local campaign, which aims to encourage residents to support local independent traders and stimulate spending in the Vale’s four town centres. As the campaign enters its second year, we want to reassess the views of local people and we would be grateful if you could complete this survey.
Fel rhan o becyn o fesurau sydd ar y gweill ar hyn o bryd i gefnogi canol ei drefi, mae Cyngor Bro Morgannwg wedi bod yn gweithio gydag asiantaeth gyfathrebu leol ar ymgyrch Siopa’n Lleol, sydd â’r nod o annog trigolion i gefnogi masnachwyr annibynnol lleol ac ysgogi gwariant ym mhedair canol tref y Fro. Wrth i’r ymgyrch ddod i mewn i’w hail flwyddyn, rydym am ailasesu barn pobl leol a byddem yn ddiolchgar pe gallech gwblhau’r arolwg hwn.

Question Title

* 1. What local high street do you visit the most? | Pa stryd fawr leol ydych chi'n ymweld â hi fwyaf?

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* 2. How often do you shop on your local high street? | Pa mor aml ydych chi’n siopa are ich stryd fawr leol?

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* 3. Are there certain times of year where you’re more likely to shop local? | Oes yna rai adegau o'r flwyddyn lle rydych chi'n fwy tebygol o siopa'n lleol?

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* 4. What types of businesses do you use/support the most on your local high street? | Pa fathau o fusnesau ydych chi'n eu defnyddio/cefnogi fwyaf ar eich stryd fawr leol?

Question Title

* 5. What is your favourite place to visit on your local high street and why? | Beth yw eich hoff le i ymweld ag ef ar eich stryd fawr leol a pham?

Question Title

* 6. Do you make an effort to shop local – ie buying from locally-owned small businesses? | Ydych chi'n gwneud ymdrech i siopa'n lleol – hy prynu gan fusnesau bach lleol?

Question Title

* 7. What is your reason for shopping local? | Beth yw eich rheswm am siopa'n lleol?

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* 8. Are you aware of the benefits of shopping local? | Ydych chi’n ymwybodol o’r manteision o siopa’n lleol?

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* 9. Rank these reasons for shopping locally by importance for you? Use the arrows to move each statement up or down with the most important at the top | Defnyddiwch y saethau i symud pob gosodiad i fyny neu i lawr gyda'r pwysicaf ar y brig

  1. It’s convenient | Mae'n gyfleus
  2. It’s better for the environment/reduces carbon footprint | Mae'n well i'r amgylchedd/yn lleihau ôl troed carbon
  3. You help support a local business | Rydych yn helpu i gefnogi busnes lleol
  4. You invest in your community and local economy | Rydych yn buddsoddi yn eich cymuned a'ch economi leol
  5. You receive a friendly face and personal service | Rydych yn derbyn wyneb cyfeillgar a gwasanaeth personol
  6. It keeps the high street thriving | Mae'n cadw'r stryd fawr i ffynnu
  7. It protects local jobs | Mae'n gwarchod swyddi lleol
  8. There are great deals to be found | Mae bargeinion gwych i'w cael
  9. You’re likely to find quality/unique items | Rydych yn debygol o ddod o hyd i eitemau o ansawdd/unigryw
  10. Items and food are more likely to be sustainably sourced | Mae eitemau a bwyd yn fwy tebygol o ddod o ffynonellau cynaliadwy
  11. You make more thoughtful purchases | Rydych yn gwneud pryniannau mwy meddylgar

Question Title

* 10. If there’s an item that you need that could be sourced on your local high street, as well as via an online/national retailer, are you more inclined to: | Os oes eitem y mae arnoch ei hangen y gellid ei chael ar eich stryd fawr leol, yn ogystal â thrwy adwerthwr ar-lein/cenedlaethol, a ydych yn fwy tueddol o wneud y canlynol:

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* 11. What is the reason for your decision above? | Beth yw'r rheswm dros eich penderfyniad uchod?

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* 12. What in your opinion could be done to encourage more people to shop local through marketing? | Beth yn eich barn chi y gellid ei wneud i annog mwy o bobl i siopa'n lleol drwy farchnata?

Question Title

* 13. Do you recall reading about/seeing the ‘Shop Local’ campaign in your local area? This could be through window posters, social content, promotional shopping bags etc | Ydych chi’n cofio darllen am/gweld yr ymgyrch ‘Siopa yn Lleol’ yn eich ardal leol? Gallai hyn fod trwy bosteri ffenestr, cynnwys cymdeithasol, bagiau siopa hyrwyddo ac ati

Question Title

* 14. As a result of seeing the campaign, are you more inclined to support local businesses? |O ganlyniad i weld yr ymgyrch, a ydych yn fwy tueddol o gefnogi busnesau lleol?

Question Title

* 15. How much do you agree with this statement: The future of my town centre depends on whether or not local people support them | I ba raddau yr ydych yn cytuno â’r datganiad hwn: Mae dyfodol canol fy nhref yn dibynnu ar a yw pobl leol yn eu cefnogi ai peidio

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* 16. Do you use your local Facebook hubs to keep up to date on town information? | Ydych chi’n defnyddio eich hybiau Facebook lleol i gadw i fynny a gwybodaeth am eich tref?

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* 17. If yes, which Facebook hubs do you use?/ Os ydych, pa hybiau Facebook ydych chi’n defnyddio?

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* 18. What ways do you find out about things happening locally? Please tick all that apply | Pa ffyrdd ydych chi'n dod i wybod am bethau sy'n digwydd yn lleol? Ticiwch bob un sy'n berthnasol

Question Title

* 19. Do you follow @ValeTownCentres social media channels? | Ydych chi’n dilyn sianeli cyfryngau cymdeithasol @ValeTownCentres/@CanolfannauTrefi’rFro?

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* 20. What local independent businesses do you follow on social media? | Pa fusnesau annibynnol lleol ydych chi'n eu dilyn ar gyfryngau cymdeithasol?

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* 21. Would you be interested in receiving a Vale Town Centres shop local email, featuring news from traders, new products, offers etc? | A fyddai gennych ddiddordeb mewn derbyn e-bost lleol o siop Canolfannau Trefi’r Fro, yn cynnwys newyddion gan fasnachwyr, cynnyrch newydd, cynigion ac ati?

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* 22. If yes, please insert your email to subscribe to the Shop Local e-newsletter here | Os ydych, rhowch eich e-bost i danysgrifio i'r e-gylchlythyr Siopa'n Lleol yma

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