Question Title

* 1. Are you registered to vote in California?

Question Title

* 2. What state do you live in?

Question Title

* 3. What county do you live in?

Question Title

* 4. What is your zipcode?

Question Title

* 5. Do you consider yourself to be one or more of the following? Please select all that apply.

Question Title

* 6. Do you feel things in California are...

Question Title

* 7. What do you think is the most important problem facing your state today?

Question Title

* 8. Please indicate your opinion of each of the following

  Strongly Favorable Somewhat Favorable Somewhat Unfavorable Strongly Unfavorable Don't Know/No Opinion Never Heard
Governor Gavin Newsom
Your local city government
The Nature Conservancy
The Sierra Club

Question Title

* 9. For each of the following, please indicate how much of a priority you think that issue should be for the
state where you reside.

  Very low priority
2 3 4 5 6 Very high priority
Don't know
Affordable housing
Unfair policing and police violence
Water quality and safety
Water supply and drought
Climate change
Access to affordable and clean energy
Transitioning to a green energy economy
Affordable and accessible public transportation
Access to safe and fresh food
Environmental justice
Sea level rise and coastal flooding
Air pollution
Public health

Question Title

* 10. How concerned are you about the impact of climate change on you personally?

Question Title

* 11. After each of the following statements, please indicate whether you strongly agree, somewhat agree,
somewhat disagree, or strongly disagree with that statement.

  Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Don't Know
I have personally experienced the effects of climate change
Everyone has a right to fair and equitable treatment in times of emergency
My community is treated fairly and equitably in times of emergency
I am concerned about pollutants negatively impacting my health through illnesses like asthma and cancer
Environmental justice should be one of the top issues of focus for our local, state, and national leaders
My community is prepared to withstand and recover from impacts associated with natural hazards and climate change

Question Title

* 12. How has climate change impacted you or your community?

Question Title

* 13. After each of the following policy proposals, please indicate whether you support or oppose that

  Strongly oppose
2 3 4 5 6 Strongly support
Don't know
Providing legal assistance to low-income renters to help prevent evictions
Prioritizing opportunities and access for Black entrepreneurs in the new green economy
Changing state and local zoning laws to allow greater density and accessory dwelling units (also known as granny or in-law units)
Establishing green building standards and incentives for schools and affordable housing
Changing land-use laws to promote cost-effective multifamily housing development (apartments, townhomes, etc.)
Restricting rent increases on affordable housing
Creating local hiring and job training programs that provide pathways to living-wage jobs in clean energy and other sustainable industries
Improving access to electric vehicles for communities of color and low-income communities
Developing innovative financing options to provide safe and reliable energy to low- and moderate income families
Providing funding for zero emissions buses and other low-carbon transportation options in low income communities
Providing emergency rental assistance to prevent displacement during natural disasters
Requiring and enforcing meaningful evaluation of construction and infrastructure projects to ensure
they are equitable
Developing local climate action plans that address historical inequities and racial injustice
Grants and loans for construction of environmentally-sustainable buildings in lower-income communities
Mandating training and enforcement laws to ensure landlords and contractors address housing hazards, including lead paint, pests and asbestos
Making it easier and more affordable for households and families to add solar panels to their homes

Question Title

* 14. Please rate how impactful each of the following statements is to you. Use a scale from 1 to 7, where 1 means the statement is not at all impactful, and 7 means the statement is extremely impactful.

  Not at all impactful
2 3 4 5 6 Extremely impactful 
Don't know
Climate change has caused job losses and cutbacks across a number of industries, including farming, landscaping, insurance, and energy. We need to demand better policies to protect the jobs and livelihoods for these workers.
Drought in California is only getting worse. If we continue to use water at our current rate, millions of Californians risk losing access to safe, reliable water in the near future.
Toxic and polluting factories, like coal-fired power plants, are predominately placed in communities of color and release lead and other contaminants into the water, food, and air. It is time to fight this injustice and demand that these polluters either shut down or clean up their act.
Our climate is rapidly getting hotter and drier, and many families lack access to air conditioning or other ways of staying cool. African Americans are twice as likely to die during heatwaves than non-Hispanic whites in California.
Climate change is making energy costs higher and more volatile, and communities of color spend a
higher proportion of their income on energy costs, which can quickly become unaffordable. We need
to act today to ensure affordable and reliable access to energy for all Californians.
The new clean energy economy and the transition to renewable energy is an opportunity to address
past injustices for people of color. We must act now to ensure jobs and equitable treatment for
African Americans in the new green economy.
Responses to climate change worsen disparities because wealthier people flee climate-vulnerable
areas to gentrify other neighborhoods, which prices out existing community members. We need
more affordable housing and tenant protections to protect vulnerable communities across the state
from this “climate gentrification”.
Climate change has had a severe negative impact on California's agriculture industry, reducing the
amount of food produced locally, meaning less access to fresh fruit, vegetables, and other foods for
lower-income communities.

Question Title

* 15. After everything you have read today, how concerned are you about the impact of climate change on you

Question Title

* 16. Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with this statement: “Environmental justice, the fair
treatment and involvement of all people, regardless of race, color, national origin, or income, in
developing and enforcing environmental laws, regulations and policies should be one of the top issues
of focus for our local, state, and national leaders.”

Question Title

* 17. What is your most important source of information about local news and events?

Question Title

* 18. Do you have any children under the age of 18 living in your home?

Question Title

* 19. What is the last grade you completed in school?

Question Title

* 20. What was your total household income before taxes for 2021?

Question Title

* 21. Do you...

Question Title

* 22. In politics, do you generally consider yourself a...

Question Title

* 23. What is your age?

Question Title

* 24. Do you identify as...