April 2023 Bonus Questions – Braille Refreshers 2023042002 Question Title * True or False? The "so" alphabetic wordsign should be used in the word brailled below. True ⠎⠤⠯⠤⠎ ASCII: s-&-s False ⠎⠕⠤⠯⠤⠎⠕ ASCII: so-&-so Question Title * First a joke, then the question:What is a pirate's favorite letter?⠠⠁⠜⠗⠗⠗⠖ ASCII: ,a>rrr6No! It be the C! 🤣😂Why would a grade 1 symbol indicator be needed for the C above? because the C is standing alone; so, without the grade 1 symbol indicator, the C would mean "Can". in order to keep the C from being misread as a symbol of punctuation; because the C is standing alone, it could be misread as a "cent" symbol to make the C not be standing alone Question Title * True or False? The "people" alphabetic wordsign should be used in the word brailled below. 🧜♀️🧜♂️ True ⠍⠻⠏ ASCII: m]p False ⠍⠻⠏⠑⠕⠏⠇⠑ ASCII: m]people Done