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Online Worship Survey
St. Luke's Lutheran Church
We would love to get a better sense of who is joining us for online worship, why, and how we can better minister to you! Thank you for answering this short survey.
How did you find St. Luke's Lutheran Church online worship?
I am a member at St. Luke's
Word of mouth
Online search
Other (please explain at the end of the survey)
When do you tend to watch?
During live worship
Later on Sunday
Later in the week
What do you like about online worship?
Convenience of schedule
Don't have to drive
Don't have to worry about health concerns
Other (please explain at the end of the survey)
What do you miss about in-person worship?
Singing together
Nothing! I love the online option!
Other (please explain at the end of the survey)
What would you do to improve the online worship experience?
Would you be interested in joining a ZOOM Bible Study or Adult Forum, held during the week?
Yes, mornings are best
Yes, lunchtime is best
Yes, evenings are best
No, thank you.
If you answered 'other' to how you found online worship, what you like about online worship and/or what you miss about in-person worship, please explain here.