Informed Consent and inclusion criteria


Principal Investigator (PI): Cole France, MS, LLP, University of Detroit Mercy

Faculty Advisor: Kristen Avraham, PhD, University of Detroit Mercy

School and Department/Division: University of Detroit Mercy College of Liberal Arts & Education. Department of Psychology.

Purpose of the Study
The purpose of this study is to examine the development of military personnel who are emerging adults (ages 18-24).

Study Procedures
If you agree to take part in the study, it will require you to complete a few screening questionnaires. It is estimated that completion of these questionnaires will take approximately 6-7 minutes. After this, you may be offered the opportunity to immediately complete additional surveys, completion of which can take 25-35 min. You may only complete the study one time.

Potential Benefits
Although you may not receive direct benefit from your participation, others may ultimately benefit from the knowledge obtained in this study. There are a few major benefits that others may experience as a result of this study. The first involves helping inform the science about the development of military members during early adulthood. Secondly, this will increase the information available to researchers and clinicians on how development during this period is connected to psychological distress.

Foreseeable Risks
This project is unlikely to have more than minimal risk, or any risk greater than that encountered in your routine daily activities.

If you find that you are experiencing psychological discomfort at any point you are encouraged to call 988 and press 1. Alternatively, you can call 1-800-273-TALK (8255) and press 1 to reach a 24-hour military crisis hotline, or text the Crisis Text Line at 741741.

Costs to You
There will be no costs to you for participation in this research study.

You will have the option to skip questions that you do not want to answer. However, if you skip too many questions, or if you decide not to complete the study, you will not be eligible for any compensation. You will also not be eligible for compensation if your responses indicate you have already completed the survey or do not to meet the study eligibility requirements, so please review these to ensure you are a member of the target population.

If you agree to participate and complete the full study questionnaires, you will have the opportunity to enter a drawing where one in every ten participants will be awarded an Amazon gift card worth $50. If you choose to be entered into the raffle, you will be asked to provide your email address so that you can be contacted in the event that you win the raffle. Your email will be collected separately from your survey responses and the two will not be linked or stored together at any time. entered into the drawing.

The information you provide will be confidential and though we collect demographic information, nothing in the surveys can be used to identify you. However, if you choose to enter the raffle upon completion of the survey, we do need to collect an email address to contact you in the event that you win. This is the only identifying information we will collect, we will only contact you if you win, and then only to provide you with the $50 gift card. Your email will be collected and stored separately from your survey responses, including demographic data, at all times. Your email will be deleted immediately after all winners have been provided their prizes. Therefore, your responses will be anonymous. Due to the anonymity of your responses, it will not be possible for you to be identified in any reports or publications that are produced from this study; results will only be reported in the aggregate. Records will be kept confidential to the extent provided by federal, state, and local law. However, the Institutional Review Board (IRB) or university and government officials responsible for monitoring this study may inspect the records.

The confidential survey will be hosted through SurveyMonkey, and your responses will not be accessible to any of the individuals or organizations who informed you about the study.

If you have any questions about this study now or in the future, you may contact Cole France, MS, LLP at the following phone number 313-380-0140. If you have questions or concerns about your rights as a research participant, Elizabeth Hill, Interim Chair of the Institutional Review Board can be contacted at

Additional Information
Before answering the questions below, please PRINT or take a SCREENSHOT of this informed consent information for your records.

By clicking below, I acknowledge that I have read the information on this page, and I consent to participate in the study. Additionally, I affirm that:

Question Title

1. I am between the ages of 18-24 years old

Question Title

2. I am currently residing in the U.S.

Question Title

3. I am a current U.S. military service member

Question Title

4. I have not previously participated in the study.

Question Title

5. Sometimes, the same or another researcher will ask to review or use data from a completed research project for a different project. If the data are kept confidential and the UDM Institutional Review Board has approved the study, would you be willing to give your permission to release your data collected from this study without being told ahead of time?