2023-25 Management Committee Member

Any 2 members of the association shall be at liberty to nominate any other member to serve as an officer or other member of the management committee.

The nomination, which shall be in writing and signed by the member and the member's proposer and seconder, shall be lodged with the Secretary at least 14 days before the Annual General Meeting at which the election is to take place.

We, being financial members of Adolescent Success Inc., wish to nominate the following person for the position indicated on the Adolescent Success Management Committee:

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* 1. First and last name of NOMINEE:

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* 2. NOMINEE'S school/institution name and postal address:

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* 3. Classification of NOMINEE'S membership?

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* 4. Position on Management Committee being sought (you may only nominate for one position):

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* 5. NOMINEE'S email address:

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* 6. Short statement of qualifications to serve on committee and/or relevant interests.  NB: this will be listed on our website for members to base their voting on.

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* 7. Please tick the box below to 'sign' this nomination form.  By ticking the box you agree to being nominated for the above position on the committee:

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* 8. First and last name of PROPOSOR

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* 9. Classification of PROPOSER'S membership?

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* 10. Please tick the box below to 'sign' this nomination form.  

By ticking the box you agree to being PROPOSER for the above nominated position on the committee:

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* 11. First and last name of SECONDER

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* 12. Classification of SECONDER'S membership?

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* 13. Please tick the box below to 'sign' this nomination form.  

By ticking the box you agree to being SECONDER for the above nominated position on the committee:

Thank you for your nomination.
Please email a head shot of the nominee (.jpe or .png file) to the Executive Officer (executiveofficer@adolescentsuccess.org.au) by October 2nd 2023. This will be placed on our website with the short bio to communicate all nominations to our community.