Feedback Form
You for Youth (Y4Y)
June 15, 2020

Question Title

* 1. What is your primary role with 21st CCLC?

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* 2. What grade levels does your program serve? Select all that apply.

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* 3. Which of the following best describes the area you program serves?

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* 4. How familiar are you with You for Youth (Y4Y)?

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* 5. Please rate your confidence to transfer the knowledge and/or skills you learned in today’s session:

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* 6. To what extent were the following objectives achieved?

  Completely Considerably Moderately Slightly Not At All
Identify the skills and competencies needed for each staff position.
Utilize Y4Y resources to identify staffing needs and develop job descriptions.

Question Title

* 7. Please rate today's session on the following criteria:

  Excellent Good Average Limited Poor
Activities designed to practice new knowledge and/or skills
Relevance of the information to my work
Questions were answered
Helpfulness of the information to improve my job
Usefulness of tools and resources
Time allotted for the presentation

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* 8. If you rated any of the above as "not at all" or "poor," please explain:

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* 9. List any concepts or strategies you learned today that you are excited to share with a colleague or will use in your program:

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* 10. We are always seeking ways to improve our technical assistance and training. Please feel free to provide our Y4Y team with constructive feedback.

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* 11. Is there any topic within today’s presentation on which you would like additional training?

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* 12. Please share any additional thoughts, ideas or questions: