The deadline for completing the survey is December 31.

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey. The questions are intended to reflect issues that may come before the legislature. The questions included should not be interpreted as a reflection of my views on the issues. Your input will help me gauge the opinions of House District 62.

Please don't complete this online survey if you do not reside in House District 62. The House will only tabulate surveys with a verified address in this district to ensure the views of this constituency. To verify that you are taking the correct survey for your district, please visit our district lookup services here. If this is not the correct district, please click on the state representative that represents you and then select "visit caucus page" for links to their survey.

Question Title

* Prefix: (Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr., etc.)

Question Title

* First Name:

Question Title

* Middle Initial:

Question Title

* Last Name:

Question Title

* Suffix: (Jr., Sr., III, etc.)

Question Title

* Contact Information

Question Title

* # 1 - According to an analysis of the 2021-2022 school year, which is the most recent data available, less than 60% of public school funding on average makes it to the classroom for things such as teacher salaries and instructional technology. This means that more than 40% of school expenditures are going toward items like corporation administrators, and operation and maintenance of facilities. Would you support legislation prioritizing the amount of public school resources, including teacher pay, that goes to the classroom?

Question Title

* # 2 - Indiana roads are funded through user fees such as the gas excise tax. With the projected increase in electric vehicle usage over the coming years, the amount someone drives on the road may no longer correlate to the amount of user fees they pay to maintain those roads. Should the state start examining alternative ways to collect road usage fees and eliminate the gas tax to ensure that everyone is paying for their fair share of road use?

Question Title

* # 3 - Should Indiana do more to ensure that homebuilders are able to build affordable housing in communities throughout the state?

Question Title

* # 4 - A recent study commissioned by the Family and Social Services Administration found that the cost of untreated mental illness in Indiana is estimated to be $4.2 billion each year. Should Indiana expand, hold steady or decrease mental health funding?

Question Title

* # 5 - Do you support any of the following regarding marijuana legalization?

Question Title

* # 6 - Brown County State Park and Lake Monroe attract many visitors throughout the year, which can put a strain on public safety and local infrastructure. Would you support a bill to collect a portion of state park and recreation area gate fees to help counties fund police, fire, EMS and infrastructure improvements including water quality?

Question Title

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