The purpose of this survey is to measure the needs of financial education for students at South Seattle Community College.
Thank you for your participation!

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* 1. How interested are you in increasing your financial knowledge?

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* 2. What topics would you be interested in learning about personal finances? (Check all that apply).

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* 3. How important is it that South Seattle Community College offers you opportunities to learn about personal finances?

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* 4. How would you like personal financial learning opportunities delivered to you (choose all that apply)?

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* 5. On a scale from A to F, what grade would you give yourself in terms of your knowledge about personal finances?

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* 6. Rate your financial behaviors on a scale from 1 (Never) to 5 (Always):

  1: Never 2: Rarely 3: Sometimes 4: Usually 5: Always
I keep track of my expenses on a regular basis.
I put money aside for savings, future purchases, or emergencies.
I pay my credit card bills on time each month and am almost never later.
I prepare a budget every month.
I make goals about how to spend money and I discuss them with my family.
I comparison-shop or buy things on sale.
I feel secure in my current financial situation.

Question Title

* 7. Do you have any additional comments or feedback about financial learning at South Seattle Community College?


Thank you for your time!