
Items that are struck out are being proposed for removal. Items that are underlined are being proposed for addition. Rationale is added for clarification of the rule change. Vote yes or no for each proposal. Add comments to clarify your position. 

Question Title

* 1. 1. 8 1-2-3 ART. 3 . . . Exhibition competitors are permitted, unless state association policy determines otherwise. An exhibition competitior:

Delete letters a, b, c, and d.


Due to the allowance of exhibition swimmers, school teams are refraining from expanding and adding junior varsity teams and schedules, which allows for the participation opportunities coaches are seeking through exhibition swimmers. Further, despite continual training of schools and coaches, exhibition swimmers are very often mis-used and handled inappropriately. Coaches have the belief that an ineligible athlete can perform as an exhibition swimmer, and sometimes this category contributes to illegal entries due to the belief that “since they are not scoring, anything goes”.

Question Title

* 2. 2. 9 1-3-3 (NEW)
ART.3 . . . Unsporting conduct includes actions which are unbecoming to an ethical, fair and honorable individual. It consists of acts of deceit, disrespect, cheating or vulgarity and includes taunting.


The NFHS Swimming and Diving Rules Book does not specifically define unsporting conduct. This proposal was presented in conjunction with Proposal 5. This specific language has been borrowed from another NFHS sport rules code.

Question Title

* 3. 3. 12 2-2-2 (NEW)
ART. 1 . . . The swimming pool shall be either 75 feet long (22.860 m) or 82.021 feet long (25m), measured from the inside walls or from the tile or timing devices attached to the walls, and at least 45 feet wide (13.716 m). A pool 60 feet wide (18.288 m) is recommended.
ART. 2 . . . Pools with movable bulkheads must have pool dimensions certified at the beginning of each season.


Currently, NCAA Rule 4.6.1k states: When bulkheads are used at either the start or turning end, the referee shall verify that the competition course measures to the correct distance both before and after each session of competition. Such measurements shall be done by laser with a device provided by the host institution or host facility. Failure to adhere to this requirement shall render any times recorded or records achieved null and void. I'm not expecting our officials to certify the distance at each meet as the start of each season would suffice.

Question Title

* 4. 4. 25  3-3-2

PENALTIES: When an official discovers a competitor wearing illegal attire as described in Articles 1 and 2, the official shall:

1. when observed prior to the start of the heat/dive, notify the coach of the competitor to make legal the attire before becoming eligible to compete. If the competitor cannot comply without delaying the start of the heat/dive, the competitor is disqualified from the event/dive and shall not be eligible for further competition until in legal attire;

26  3-3-3

PENALTIES: When an official discovers a competitor wearing an illegal swimsuit by the wearing of two suits or a suit which is of an illegal construction, the official shall:

1. when observed prior to the start of the heat, notify the coach of the competitor to make the swimsuit legal before becoming eligible to compete. If the competitor cannot comply without delaying the start of the heat, the competitor is disqualified from that event and shall not be eligible for further competition until in a legal swimsuit;


The official should address the coach versus the competitor.

Question Title

* 5. 6. 65 8-2-1g
ART. 1 . . . The Backstroke:
g. The finish requires completion of the required distance and contact with the finish pad (when automatic timing is used) or finish end by any party of the swimmer with some part of the body at or above the surface.

ART. 2 . . . The Breaststroke:
h. The finish requires completion of the required distance and contact with the finish pad (when automatic timing is used) or finish end with both hands simultaneously, not necessarily on the same plane.

ART. 3 . . . The Butterfly:
g. The finish requires completion of the required distance and contact with the finish pad (when automatic timing is used) or finish end with both hands simultaneously, not necessarily on the same plane.


In high school swimming, where we often have inexperienced swimmers, it is unfair to disqualify competitors for not finishing on the pad (versus contacting the block or part of the deck) when they have miscounted their strokes on a blind finish. It is cumbersome for the officials to really officiate this rule. It would also bring high school swimming in line with USA Swimming Rules

Question Title

* 6. 7. 65 8-2-2d ART. 2 . . . The Breaststroke:
d. There shall be no sculling with the hands at the end of the first arm stroke following the start or turn;

Re-letter e – h.


There appears to be no advantage gained as a result of inadvertent sculling.

Question Title

* 7. 8. 74 9-1-3 ART. 3 . . . A fulcrum, which can be moved and set at varying positions between 5 feet 6 2 inches and 7 feet 6 inches (1.676 1.524 m and 2.286 m) from the rear of the diving board, is required. However, it is permissible to limit the range of the movement of the fulcrum if the diving facility does not conform to one or more of the recommendations of Rule 9-1-1. The board shall remain horizontal with the fulcrum in any position.


To update rule to match the equipment that is widely used.

Question Title

* 8. 9. 83 9-4 (NEW)

206C Back 3 SS DD 3.0
206B Back 3 SS DD 3.2
306C Reverse 3 SS DD 3.0
306B Reverse 3 SS DD 3.2


With the level of acrobatic and talented athletes today, keeping the dive table up to date is important. I do still feel, however, the DD for the 206 needs to align with the DD for a 205, and the DD for 306 needs to align with the DD for 305. The 206 and 406 dives are sighted entries which are easier for a diver to do, while the 205 and 305 are "blind entries" and are more difficult for the divers to do. So, the extra 1/2 ss balances out with the easier sighted entry, which is the rationale for the DD's.

Question Title

* 9. 10. 83 9-4
204C Back 2 SS DD 2.0 2.2
204B Back 2 SS DD 2.3 2.5
304C Reverse 2 SS DD 2.1 2.3
304B Reverse 2 SS DD 2.4 2.6


The lower levels of diving (high school and middle school) are choosing to do the 2 SS instead of the blind entry 1½. The sighted entry of the 2 SS makes it easier and less scary than the 1½ SS and it has a higher degree of difficulty More importantly, choosing the 2 SS over the 1½ SS prevents a young diver from learning the necessary skills for progression. It is illogical that a sighted entry of a 2 SS is a higher degree of difficulty than a blind entry of a 1½ SS. It is easier and yet higher degree of difficulty. Most importantly, the fact these divers don't learn the necessary skills to progress safely in the sport can lead to injury.

Question Title

* 10. 11. 83 9-4 (NEW)
5123D - Forward 1 SS 1½ twist DD 2.1


This is an intermediate dive between the allowable 5122 and 5124. Many divers attempt to complete 5124 and come up short of the twist required to complete the dive. They have the capability to do 1½ twists but not complete the full requirements of the 2 twists as required by 5124. NFHS rules permit 1 SS 1½ twist dives in both the back position (5223) and Reverse position (5323). The DD of 2.1 falls directly between the DD of 5122 (1.9) and 5124 (2.3).

Question Title

* 11. 84 9-5-2a (NEW)

ART. 2 . . . The forward approach shall begin with not less than three steps and finish with a hurdle, defined as a jump off one foot to a landing on both feet at the end of the board. The diver may use steps, hops, leaps and/or jumps during the initial steps and before the culminating hurdle. The forward takeoff shall be from both free simultaneously to an adequate height to perform the dive.

a. For standing takeoffs divers will assume a starting position that includes an upright head and body with arms straight and in a position of the diver’s choice. The diver may move the arms to various preparatory positions provided there is no obvious attempt to start the dive. Divers shall:

     1. stop oscillating the board just before or after the starting position is assumed;

     2. not oscillate the board than four times before the arms move from the starting position;

     3. not permit a foot or both feet to leave the board during an oscillation prior to the final spring from the board;

     4. not permit an oscillation to be so large as to disrupt the tempo and smoothness of the dive.

c. a forward standing take-off is used.


Allowing standing takeoffs is a much safer way to learn dives and in high school we have a high percentage of divers who are learning the sport of diving. Standing approaches are similar to starting in the water instead of using a starting block. Standing takeoffs will allow divers to compete in meets much sooner therefore helping to grow the sport and the individual high school teams. However, since the hurdle is one of the five aspects of the dive, eliminating one aspect should not be permitted without a penalty. Penalties may be assessed during a forward approach of up to two points. Skipping it altogether should take away the two points offered for that portion of the dive. FINA, NCAA and USA Diving all allow standing takeoffs.

Question Title

* 12. 13. 84 9-5-6 ART. 6 . . .The flight shall be either in the:

a. straight position in which the body shall not be bent either at the knees or hips , the knees and feet together and toes pointed where the body shall not be bent either at the knees or hips. The feet shall be together and the toes pointed. The position of the arms is at the option of the diver;

b. pike position in which the body shall be bent at the hips, the legs straight, and together and the toes pointed the legs must be kept straight at the knees, the feet shall be together, and the toes pointed. The position of the arms is at the option of the diver;

c. tuck position in which the body shall be compact, is bent at the hips with knees and toes together and toes pointed knees and hips with the knees and feet close together within the bodyline of the shoulders. The hands shall be on the lower legs and the toes pointed;

d. free position in which a combination of positions may be used to perform twisting dives.


For the first time since these rules were originally written the language has been corrected to be in line with what the divers are doing and the coaches are teaching. FINA addressed this at their most recent symposium, and USA Diving adopted it at their last rules meeting. The NFHS should consider making this change both because it more accurate and to maintain consistency throughout the many levels of diving.

Question Title

* 13. 14. 89 9-7-5 NOTE NOTE: In a championship meet, the diving referee may consult with a designated member of the judging panel concerning a possible failed or unsatisfactory dive.


When dealing with a penalty which is pretty severe the more eyes the better in fairness to the divers. With judging panels either located on opposite sides of the pool or spread out on one side coving 10-12 feet along the side of the pool and where each diving judge sees different thing anyway it would be best to have two people agree on the unsatisfactory dive call as opposed to just one person making that call. The precedent has already been set in this note itself where the diving referee can consult with the second member of the judging panel to call a failed dive.

Question Title

* 14. 15. 91 9-8-1c (NEW)

ART. 1 . . . The diving referee shall deduct two points from each judge's award for:

c. a diver's foot/feet leaving the board prior to back/inward takeoff.

ART. 2 . . . Each diving judge shall deduct ½-2 points for:

c. foot/feet leaving the board prior to a back/inward takeoff;

Re-letter d-f.


The intent of the rule is two-fold. First, in an effort to minimize risk of injury for high school participants, from beginners to advanced, it attempts to prevent injury to divers who may lose their balance when taking off from the board. Second, the intent is to prevent divers from gaining added lift from the board which can give them an unfair advantage over those that do not crow hop.

Question Title

* 15. 16. 92 9-8-3c ART. 3 . . . A diver shall be disqualified and shall perform no further dives if he/she fails two dives. A diver shall be disqualified if in the judgment of the referee:

c. the diver unnecessarily delays the performance of a dive as defined by the following procedure: If a diver has not left the diving board after approximately 30 seconds the referee shall issue a warning to the diver saying that he/she has (an additional) 30 seconds to complete the dive. If the dive is not completed in this time frame, the referee shall instruct the diver to step down and instruct the table to issue a fail dive;


Simply stating that a referee can DQ an athlete for unnecessary delays is arbitrary and difficult for most officials to enforce. Creating a procedure to be followed is better both for the diver who is stuck and may or may not do the dive and for the referee who will most likely have to deal with this arbitrary decision when the diving event ends. This change should be covered in the meeting between the diving referee and the divers prior to the beginning of diving. Additionally, this procedure will assist a referee with the diver who oscillates way too many times.