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* 1. From your perspective, how has the JPIC Office served you and the Province over the last few years (if you can recall, please give us some specific examples)

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* 2. From your perspective, how can the JPIC Office serve you and the Province as we look to the future (please give some examples)

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* 3. The JPIC Office has tried to collaborate with the Marianist Social Justice Collaborative (MSJC) on many levels.  With both of these ministries, do you feel that you are being informed around our Gospel call to promote and advance social justice today?

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* 4. The JPIC Office has tried to communicate, through our Provincial Council Notes and other Province publications, information on programs and activities that will support education, advocacy, and action on the spirituality of justice and on the integrity of creation. Have you found this helpful as a Province member?

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* 5. The JPIC Office has served the Province in efforts around socially responsible investments. Do you feel that you are informed as much as you would like to be on these efforts?

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* 6. The Director for the JPIC Office has provided support and resources to the Office of Religious Life (ORL) in service to the Province by

  • Implementing and carrying out the goals expressed by the JPIC Advisory Committee and the Provincial Council;
  • Providing support, direction and mentoring to those lay and religious individuals working or volunteering in Province institutions and ministries;
  • Representing and being an envoy for the Province to assigned organizations
From your perspective, as we look to the future, are you happy with the existing model or would you like to see us create a new model.

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* 7. Is there anything else you would like to share as you reflect on the JPIC Office and its ministry to the Province for the future?