This year SVdP we are reviving and updating the strategic planning work that began for our school in 2020. At a high level, the goal of the Strategic Plan is to identify and prioritize needed improvements for our school, both long-term and short-term, to allocate resources for the next 1- 3 years.
Through work with the School Advisory Committee (SAC), we have identified 5 categories for ongoing improvements within our school. Since Facilities & Safety have recently been addressed through the Capital Campaign and Renovation Project, it was decided to omit them from the previous survey.
1. Catholic Culture
2. Marketing and Enrollment
3. Academics and Enrichment
4. Financial
5. Student Services
Within these 5 categories, we have reflected the possible initiatives identified through community focus groups that were held in 2019-2020. The purpose of this survey is to present these initiatives once again to our entire community (which has grown since 2020) for feedback.
We appreciate your responses and value your feedback. This survey should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete. Please remember that this plan focuses only on the next 1-3 years and will be a working document subject to revisions and changes as our needs change. If your top initiatives are not included in the initial plan, that does NOT mean they will never be addressed.
Thank you!