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Please attach documentation regarding First Nation (status and non-status), Inuit, Métis, Band Council, Tribal Council, Treaty, community, nation or other affiliation. Accepted documentation may include:A copy of a valid Indian Status or Treaty card;A copy of a valid Nunavut Trust Certificate card, roll number or any other proof accepted by Inuit communities;A copy of a membership card from a Métis registry recognized by the Métis National Council (Métis Nation of Ontario, the Manitoba Métis Federation, the Métis Nation of Saskatchewan, the Métis Nation of Alberta and the Métis Nation British Columbia);A copy of a membership card from a Métis Settlement General Council community;Proof that an ancestor’s name has been entered in the Indian Register according to the Indian Act, or on the band list of an individual band, or on the Inuit roll;Written confirmation of nationhood in a federally recognized band council which has its own citizenship code.Alternate documents may be considered on a case by case basis and will be reviewed by Indigenous committee members.