Pre-Program Self Assessment

The following questions focus on key learning outcomes from the program. Please answer them (check mark) on your own. Base your answers on your current knowledge and practices as a nurse leader. Your results are confidential, and will be recorded only as part of an overall average score for each question.(Please note that ALL questions are mandatory and must be answered before your responses can be submitted.)

Question Title

* 1. I know, share and live the Mission, Vision and Values of the home, and expect my staff to be able to describe them in their own words, and demonstrate them in their work role.

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* 2. I am comfortable with, and effective at, holding staff accountable for their actions.

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* 3. The most important determinant of my value as a registered nurse in long term care is based on the effectiveness of my staff in the provision of front line care to residents.

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* 4. I am familiar with and understand the importance of regulatory agencies and standards (e.g. MOH standards, LTC Act, accreditation, funding model, CNO) and their significance to me as a leader.

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* 5. I would rather be tolerant of some less than ideal work activities, than jeopardize friendly staff relationships.

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* 6. When staff come to me with problems, I am quick to tell them what to do, and I become directly involved in the issue.

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* 7. As a leader, I believe that all staff should be treated the same, using the same style, in order to be fair and equitable.

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* 8. At least once per day I go out of my way to positively reinforce good work behaviours among my staff.

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* 9. Talking to staff about their family or activities outside work is not appropriate, and compromises my effectiveness as a leader.

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* 10. When staff are empowered, the leader loses control and status.

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* 11. When personality conflicts exist between staff members, they should be assigned to work with other people.

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* 12. It is harder for a woman to be assertive without being labelled as aggressive.

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* 13. When staff raise a concern, to be an effective leader I need to determine solutions and action plans immediately.

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* 14. When talking to others, how I physically present and position myself is more important than what I actually say.

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* 15. When staff are going to implement a change in their work activities, we agree and confirm when and how they will keep me informed as to their progress and status.

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* 16. Conflict is inevitable in the workplace, and it can provide opportunities for positive outcomes.

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* 17. Focusing on preventing conflicts is the most effective and important step in the conflict resolution process.

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* 18. When someone is emotionally out of control, it is important to tell them to calm down so that you can carry on a normal conversation.

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* 19. It is management’s responsibility to deal with all conflict and negativity in the workplace, and is not the responsibility of registered staff.

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* 20. I can function as a leader in my role, even if I am not a manager.

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* 21. How would you rate your leadership effectiveness?

  Poor Fair Okay Good Excellent
Choose one:

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* 22. What is your position?

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* 23. Please indicate how many years you have spent in the field of nursing.