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Share your views!

Please tell us what matters to you most about how we work with you.

We at Age UK Redbridge, Barking and Havering want to know what matters to you most about how we work with you.

Please share your views with us through completing this short survey. Your response will help us to focus on doing the things that are most important to you and help us improve how we work with you.

If you have any difficulty completing the survey or have any questions, please contact 0208 220 6000. If you would like to discuss your ideas or complete this survey with one of our staff or volunteers, please let us know.

Many thanks for your time in completing this survey – your views are important to us. Tell us what you think! Please return form by 7th October 2024

Question Title

* 1. Please help us understand our reach by filling in the equality and diversity monitoring below

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* 2. Age

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* 3. Disability

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* 4. Are you supporting anyone due to their long term physical disability, mental ill-health or support required due to old age?

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* 5. Ethnicity

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* 6. Religion

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* 7. Sexual orientation

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* 8. Which services from Age UK Redbridge, Barking and Havering do you use?

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* 9. Are you satisfied with the services you receive from us?

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* 10. What method/methods have you used to access our services?

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* 11. Were you able to achieve what you wanted?

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* 12. What digital equipment are you able to use? Select all that apply

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* 13. Would you like support to use any of the following digital devices?

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* 14. Please tell us the difference our services have made in your life? Please select all that apply

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* 15. Should we be able to secure funding to develop further services would any of the following be of interest to you? Please select all that apply.

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* 16. Please tell us the main issues affected you currently and how we may be able to support

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* 17. Many thanks for your time! Your answers will be kept confidential. If you would like us to contact you about your feedback or require any further information or advice please leave your name and contact details

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