Question Title

* 1. What is your full name (as it should appear on the certificate)?

Question Title

* 2. I confirm that I am an animal control/animal care staff member in Los Angeles County, and I viewed the archived webinar in its entirety:

Question Title

* 3. On which date did you view the webinar?


Question Title

* 4. Email address:

Question Title

* 5. Overall, how well were the objectives met?

  Fully Met Somewhat Met Not Met
I understand which animals commonly carry rabies in Los Angeles County
I understand how bite reporting and rabies testing protects people and animals from local rabies
I understand how to properly report animal bites to the Department of Public Health
I understand how animal bite quarantines are carried out at a shelter
I understand when animals need to be tested for rabies
I understand how to properly prepare, store and notify the Department of Public Health of any specimen for rabies testing

Question Title

* 6. To assist us in planning future programs, please indicate topics you would like to have covered: