Winning Investor Daily Options Survey

1.How would you describe your trading experience?
2.Are you interested in trading options?
3.Please select which (if any) of our experts’ free options trades you’ve made:
4.When evaluating whether to make one of our bonus options trades, what is the No. 1 factor you consider?
5.Options can be risky, but the upside potential is much higher than buying stocks. If you have made or would consider making one of the bonus options trades, about how much would you invest in a single trade?
6.If you’ve made any of our options trades, please tell us how you did.
7.Has reading Chad and John’s weekly guidance made you more interested in subscribing to a premium options service?
8.Do you have any feedback to share with Chad or John about these trades? If so, please share below.
9.Do you have any feedback about Winning Investor Daily in general? Please share below.
Current Progress,
0 of 9 answered