Dissertation survey 大學論文研究問卷 |
Motivations behind consumer’s demand for, and behaviours at Hong Kong Horse Racing events. 消費者對香港賽馬活動之需求及在其中消費的動機。
My name is Fei Leung and I am conducting a research on the legacy of sporting events on a city's image, a case study of Hong Kong Horse Racing. The purpose of this survey is to understand the motivations behind consumer’s demand for, and behaviours at Hong Kong Horse Racing events. 您好,我是梁斐,目前正進行一項以香港賽馬為案例的研究,旨在探討體育賽事對城市形象所產生的長遠影響。本問卷的主要目的為了解促使消費者對香港賽馬活動產生需求,及在其中消費的動機。
All responses will remain confidential and anonymous, and data collected will only be used for purposes of this study. By completing this survey, you are agreeing to take part in this research. You may omit questions that you do ,not want to answer and withdraw from the research at any time. If you have any questions about this study, you may contact me at dvqn57@durham.ac.uk. 所有回覆均為保密及匿名,且所收集的資料僅用於本研究。完成此問卷即表示您同意參與本研究。您可選擇性回答只願作答的問題,亦可於任何時候退出本研究。如對本研究有任何疑問,請電郵至 dvqn57@durham.ac.uk 與我聯絡。