Question Title

* 1. How often do you use your CPAP?

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* 2. How often do you clean your CPAP?

Question Title

* 3. How do you clean your CPAP and/or mask? (Select all that apply)

Question Title

* 4. Do you worry that the quality of air you breathe through the CPAP could be contaminated by the following? (Select all that apply)

Question Title

* 5. Are you planning to get an indoor air quality monitor?

Question Title

Please observe the following images to know more about our new Air Quality Monitor for CPAPs.

<strong>Please observe the following images to know more about our new Air Quality Monitor for CPAPs.</strong>

Question Title


Question Title

* 6. Based on the CPAP Air Quality Monitor concept, how much you agree or disagree with
the below:

  Agree Neither Agree or Disagree Disagree
I want to know the quality of air I breathe from the
The monitor will increase confidence in the air quality
from a CPAP
Recommending when to clean the CPAP is useful
Overall, this monitor is helpful for CPAP users
I want to know more about this
I would think about buying this
I would recommend this to a friend or relative

Question Title

* 7. How much do you think this CPAP Air Quality Monitor should cost?

Question Title

* 8. Thank you for completing this survey. As a token of our appreciation, we can offer you 5 reward points. Please provide the email address associated with your account.