Application for the 2025 Elaine P. Wynn Stronger Together Scholarship Question Title * 1. First Name Question Title * 2. Last Name Question Title * 3. Student Number Question Title * 4. What is your date of birth? Date of Birth Date Question Title * 5. What is your gender? Identify as Male Identify as Female Other Prefer not to answer Question Title * 6. Which race or ethnicity best describes you? Select all that apply. American Indian/Alaskan Native Asian Black/African American Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Latino/Hispanic White/Caucasian Mixed Ethnicity/Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. Are you currently a senior in high school? Yes No Question Title * 8. What is the name of the school you are currently attending? Question Title * 9. What is your cumulative GPA (unweighted)? Question Title * 10. What is your weighted GPA? Question Title * 11. What is your phone number? Question Title * 12. What is your Parent/Guardian's phone number? Question Title * 13. What is your Parent/Guardian's email address? Question Title * 14. What is your mailing address? Address Address 2 City/Town State/Province ZIP/Postal Code Country Question Title * 15. Which of the following school types do you plan to attend next year? College University Accredited Trade School Question Title * 16. List school(s) you are applying to for the 2025-26 school year. Question Title * 17. CERTIFICATION STATEMENT REQUIRED OF ALL APPLICATIONS: All of the information provided on this application is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I certify that I plan to attend a college/university/trade school for the upcoming academic year. I understand that failure to enroll in college may result in the forfeiture of any awarded scholarship. (Type your name and date in box below to acknowledge your consent). Question Title * 18. AUTHORIZATION FOR RELEASE OF RECORDS: To comply with the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, permission is hereby given to school officials to release the school records and other requested information for consideration in the Communities In Schools of Nevada Scholarship Program. I hereby authorize Communities In Schools of Nevada to utilize information within my application and my likeness for publicity and public relations purposes. (Type your name and date in the box below to acknowledge your consent). Question Title * 19. Enter your Communities In Schools (CIS) of Nevada Site Coordinator's name in the box below. Question Title * 20. Provide a personal statement that describes how attending post-secondary school will contribute to your academic and/or career goals. Highlight your personal story and what drives you to pursue post-secondary education. Your answer MUST contain 250 words or more to be eligible for this scholarship. Please attach a copy of your 250+ word essay as a DOC or PDF file. PDF, DOC, DOCX file types only. Choose File No file chosen Remove File Provide a personal statement that describes how attending post-secondary school will contribute to your academic and/or career goals. Highlight your personal story and what drives you to pursue post-secondary education. Your answer MUST contain 250 words or more to be eligible for this scholarship. Please attach a copy of your 250+ word essay as a DOC or PDF file. Question Title * 21. Please attach a copy of your most updated transcript. PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG file types only. Choose File No file chosen Remove File Please attach a copy of your most updated transcript. Thank you for completing this application! Questions or concerns? Please contact Done