
Dear Nominator,

Congratulations on submitting a nomination!

This nomination is designed to celebrate and showcase the terrific work being done by a group, club or individual towards gender equality in golf.

Please include as much detailed information as possible on an *initiative. *An initiative in this circumstance, can include a suite of initiatives to address gender equality. 

To provide a quality nomination:

- If you are nominating someone else, inform them about the nomination before submitting so that you can work to obtain as much detailed information as possible.

- Work together with your local golf industry personnel (Golf Australia, Golf WA or Golf NSW representative) to submit the nomination.

- Your nomination is open to revision/modification throughout the year. Please contact serrin.bertino@golf.org.au if you wish to update your application.  

Good luck!
The Golf Australia Team

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* 1. Details of nominator (person submitting this nomination)

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* 2. I am nominating:

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* 3. Details of nominee (key person associated with this nomination)

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* 4. Title of initiative/nomination (10 word max)

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* 5. To gain a better understanding of why the initiative/s were undertaken, can you explain what factors were identified that drove the need to implement this opportunity? Please outline in 400 words or less.

Question 6 - 10 asks that you outline each initiative and outcome that your nomination has addressed over the past 18 months under four categories. We invite you to make comment under each category however this is not a requirement. Simply leave blank where required.

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* 6. Culture and Leadership (this may include, but not limited to work regarding boards/committees, systemic change, leadership & upskilling).

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* 7. Grassroots Participation (this may include, but not limited to work regarding programs, pathway, mentoring, membership, course access).

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* 8. High Performance and Coaching (this may include, but not limited to work regarding pathways, mentoring, coaching curriculum).

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* 9. Marketing and Positioning (this may include, but not limited to work regarding connections and partnerships).

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* 10. Who did you work with to deliver this initiative/s? (Can be both internal and external to facility initiative delivered at). 150 word max.

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* 11. If you wish to include work that was done more than 18 months ago but is relevant/connected to outcomes and achievements over the past 18 months, please include here (150 word max)

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* 12. How do you plan to continue this (initiative) in the future and/or expand upon the work you have done? Outline how you plan to make this initiative sustainable (if applicable). 150 word max.

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* 13. Finally, please provide an impact statement. That is, a summary of what impact the initiative/s mentioned above are having over your club/women/girls? (150 word max).