The Village of Orchard Park is beginning its first-ever Comprehensive Plan! This is a significant undertaking for the Village and we need your help in developing a vision, goals, and objectives, that will help shape the future of the community.

A Comprehensive Plan is a strategic document that narrates the past, present, and future of a community. It tells the land use and demographic history of a municipality, contains a snapshot of the moment in time in which it was prepared, and contains policies and objectives that support the community in reaching its vision for the future.

We are in the early stages of the Plan’s development and would appreciate your input as we explore issues and opportunities in the municipality. The following survey will be used to build an understanding of what residents love about the community, what may be missing from the community, and what needs improvement. Responses will also inform further exploration of issues and opportunities, and underpin the vision, goals, and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan.

Question Title

* 1. Where do you live?

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* 2. What best describes your relationship with the Village? Check all that apply.

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* 3. If you are a Village resident, how long have you lived here?

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* 4. How old are you?

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* 5. If you live in the Village and are employed, what is your average commute time?

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* 6. Using three words, how would you describe the Village at present?

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* 7. Using three words, how would you want to describe the Village in 20 years?

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* 8. What are the three biggest challenges the Village is facing?

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* 9. Please read the following statements about the Village's built environment and indicate if you agree or disagree.

  Strongly Disagree Disagree I'm Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
Where feasible, off-street parking for businesses should be located behind buildings along Quaker Street and Buffalo Street.
I would be OK with four-storey buildings along main streets (i.e., Quaker and Buffalo).
We need more mixed-use developments (i.e., restaurant on the main floor, apartments above).
The Village needs more housing options. This includes semi-detached dwellings, granny suites, and apartments.
The Village needs more park space and green space.
The intersection of Quaker and Buffalo Street should be a focal point of the Village.

Question Title

* 10. Please rate how important the following are to the community character of the Village.

  Not Important At All Slightly Important Important Fairly Important Very Important
Historic Buildings and Structures
Natural Resources and Features
Public Art
High-quality Urban Design and Architecture
Small Businesses
Street Furniture

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* 11. Please rank your transportation preferences for getting around the Village.

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* 12. Please read the following statements related to transportation and traffic and indicate if you agree or disagree.

  Strongly Disagree Disagree I'm Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
I would ride my bike more if I had on-road bike lanes or off-road trails
I would walk more if there were more sidewalks and/or off-road trails
The Village needs public transportation
Bicycle safety is an issue
Pedestrian safety is an issue
Vehicular traffic safety is an issue
The Village needs electric vehicle charging stations
The Village needs on-road designated bike lanes.
The Village speed limit of 30 mph is too high

Question Title

* 13. Are there any other transportation-related issues that should be reviewed?

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* 14. Please read the following statements about Village amenities and indicate if you agree or disagree.

  Strongly Disagree Disagree I'm Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
There are enough places to shop in the Village.
The Village needs more outdoor recreational facilities.
The Village needs more indoor recreational facilities.
To run my errands, I don't have to leave the Village if I don't want to.

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* 15. Regarding Community Values, please rank the following from most important to least important, with 1 being the most important and 8 being the least.

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* 16. Are there any Community Values missing?

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* 17. Regarding Public Amenities, please rank the following from most important to least important, with 1 being most important and 8 being least.

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* 18. Are there any Public Amenities missing?

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* 19. Is there anything that the Village is missing? This could be a type of business, housing, community space, etc.

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* 20. If you would like to stay informed about the project, please provide your email address below.