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* 1. Are you aware of the 2024 proposed Rule changes (to Rule 2-512 and Rule 4-312) regarding an expansion of voir dire in civil and criminal trials?

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* 2. Do you think voir dire needs to be expanded to eliminate implicit bias?

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* 3. If yes, what are the benefits you see to expanding voir dire?

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* 4. What if any concerns do you have about a proposed voir dire expansion? (Check all that apply.)

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* 5. Do you think the Rules should address concerns about the use of peremptory challenges, as other states like Washington and California have done?

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* 6. What changes do you think should be considered to peremptory strikes?

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* 7. Please add your comments or thoughts as to the basis for your answer above.

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* 8. Please share any other comments here.

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* 9. You are welcome to share your name, email, and association/firm here.