Voices of Central Coast (VOCC) wants to rebuild the relationship between our Councillors and the people of the Central Coast.

What are the issues that are important to you?
What qualities are you looking for in a candidate for the Council elections?
How important is integrity, local democracy, action on climate change and planning for communities (rather than developers)?

Help us ensure that the next Central Coast Council reflects the priorities of our community - where decision making is based on what is best for our community, now and in the future - not what is best for a political party or vested interests.

Complete our questionnaire -and contact us if you want to be part of a new type of politics for the Central Coast!

Please note

  • only 1 questionnaire to be completed from each device
  • we will compile the results of this questionnaire in a Summary document
  • no individuals will be identified in the summary report unless approval is provided
  • We value your input!

Question Title

* 1. What suburb do you live in?

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* 2. What are your 3 biggest concerns about the Central Coast at the moment? (in no particular order)

Question Title

* 3. To what extent do you Agree or Disagree with these statements?

  Strongly Agree Agree Neither Disagree Strongly Disagree Don't Know
I am concerned the Central Coast has had a dramatic increase in removal of vegetation in our urban environment. This has led to at least 19 suburbs identified as being subject to Urban Heat Island Effects.
I would like to see the new Councillors place protecting our local Central Coast environment as a high priority.
The Coastal Open Space System (COSS) is a valuable asset and should be protected for its environmental values, passive uses such as bushwalking and future generations.
Local communities should be consulted more about future planning in their local suburbs.
Climate change is a serious and urgent problem. We should be taking steps now to move way from fossil fuels, including gas.
The creative arts industry contributes significantly to the Central Coast economy. I believe that funding and support for the Arts and Culture sector should be increased on the Central Coast.
Land west of the M1 should be protected from increased development because it is the catchment for our drinking water and provides important agricultural land.
The Central Coast community should be asked whether they want Central Coast Council to stay merged - or demerge to two smaller Councils (with shared services).

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* 4. What do you think should be the top 5 priorities for the next Central Coast Council?

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* 5. Given the Central Coast LGA is the 3rd largest Council in NSW (by population) - do you think the community would be better represented if the number of Councillors was reduced from 15 to 9?

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* 6. Do you think that political parties should be allowed to run in Council elections?

Question Title

* 7. What qualities do you want in your local Councillor?

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* 8. Is there somebody that you think would be a good community independent candidate for the Council election? (Please name)

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* 9. If you would like to receive a summary of findings from this community survey, please provide your name and email:

Question Title

* 10. Tell us a little about yourself:

Question Title

* 11. Any other comments?

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100% of survey complete.