Program Impact

Thank you for participating in this survey. As most of you know, there is an anticipated reduction to California VOCA Victim Assistance Formula Grant Program and projects to $105,800,000 - $132,100,000, with $262,199,262 needed to sustain current funding levels. We understand that this funding could have a disproportionate impact on smaller, culturally specific orgs serving underserved and historically marginalized communities here in California.

The Partnership, in collaboration with VALOR, are surveying programs currently receiving VOCA funding to better understand the potential impacts that these cuts would present to programming and serving victims of crime. 

This survey should take approximately 10 - 15 minutes to complete. If you have any questions or want to speak with some personally, you can reach out to the Partnership's Prevention Director Jennifer Ponce at or the Policy Director Krista Colon at You can also reach out to VALOR's Public Affairs and Policy Manager Grace Glaser at GGlaser@VALOR.US. 

Question Title

* 1. Name of your organization?

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* 2. Your position in your organization?

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* 3. Which region do you serve? Please note that the Partnership and VALOR differentiate regions slightly. (Click here for a list of all regions)

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* 4. In what year was your organization established?

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* 5. Are you a primary purpose culturally specific community-based program with expertise in serving victims of violence?

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* 6. What is your overall organizational budget?

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* 7. Were you aware of potential cuts to VOCA funding prior to the email sent out from the Partnership and VALOR?

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* 8. Were you aware of the meetings convened by California's Governor's Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) regarding the latest concerns with VOCA funding? If you are not already signed up for the Cal OES emails, you can sign up here.

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* 9. Are you familiar with the proposed options by California's Governor's Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) to address the decrease in funding?

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* 10. If you are familiar with the funding options, do you have a preference?

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* 11. Number of years you have received VOCA funding?

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* 12. Which year did you first receive VOCA funding?

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* 13. Approximately, what percentage of your overall budget is made up with VOCA funds?

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* 14. How many individual programs are funded by VOCA within your organization?

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* 15. Please share, per program, the percentage of that program that VOCA funds. (For example, the percentage of your shelter budget that VOCA funds.)

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* 16. Do you currently receive VOCA funding to provide culturally-specific services to traditionally unserved/underserved communities.?

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* 17. If you responded yes to question 16, how would a 30% reduction in this funding impact your unserved/underserved services?

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* 18. What has current VOCA funding allowed your program to do? (check all that apply)

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* 19. How would the loss of VOCA funding impact your organization? (check all that apply)

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* 20. If a reduction will result in wait listing survivors, can you share what you think that will mean to survivor safety?

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* 21. Is there anything else you would like to share regarding proposed cuts to VOCA funding?

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* 22. Would you like more information regarding VOCA funding?