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Childcare in Carroll County

We would like your input on childcare needs in Carroll County. This information will be utilized to assess and gather future resources for our community. 

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* 1. Do you or someone you know in Carroll County need access to childcare and does not have it?

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* 2. Do you or someone you know utilize childcare outside of Carroll County

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* 3. Do you feel like there are adequate childcare options in Carroll County?

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* 4. What are the challenges that prevent you or someone you know from accessing childcare locally? 

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* 5. Please list other challenges not listed above. 

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* 6. Do you or someone you know currently need afterschool childcare? 

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* 7. Do you or someone you know need financial assistance for childcare costs? 

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* 8. How would you rate the current childcare providers in Carroll County

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