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Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish & School Principal Search Parent Survey

From the Search Committee:
Immaculate Heart of Mary will be hiring a new principal for IHM School for the upcoming school year 2021-2022. It is important for the search committee to review the input of our professional staff and our parents in the process. This survey will help us to better understand the characteristics you see as value in a principal. This survey is a best practice that will help us identify and select the most excellent candidate. We appreciate your feedback. Please keep this Principal Search in your prayer.

Please complete this survey by May 21, so that we can use your input to help inform the selection process.

Question Title

* 1. Please choose the answer most appropriate to your student/s at the IHM School:

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* 2. Please rank the following 8 principal leadership skills. All are important but chose skills in your order of importance for IHM School.

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* 3. Rate each of the statements below on how important it is to you that the new IHM principal possesses the following background, knowledge, or experience.

  Doesn't Matter Limited Importance Important Extremely Important
Expertise in curriculum, instruction, and assessment.
Successful elementary-level administrative experience (principal, assistant principal, etc).
Successful administrative experience at any level (principal, assistant principal, etc).
Successful experience as an elementary classroom teacher (grades Pre-K-8).
Experience in school administration, finance, and building operations/management.
Experience in hiring, evaluation, and development of staff.
Experience working with students with special needs and their families.
A strong understanding of the unique strengths and challenges of the Parish School Community.
A strong understanding of the unique strengths and challenges of the Catholic School. 

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* 4. Please rate the PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS the new IHM School principal should possess in the section below

  Doesn't Matter Limited Importance Important Extremely Important N/A
Effective Communicator
Problem Solver
Sense of Humor/Fun

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* 5. Please rate each statement below on the level of importance for a new principal regarding religious background, knowledge, and experience.

  Doesn't Matter Limited Importance  Important Extremely important N/A
Educated in the Roman Catholic School System
Strengthening the Catholic identity of our school
Providing and participating in the devotional life of the Catholic Church i.e. Rosary, Novena etc.
Creating and participating in non-sacramental prayer services and liturgies for staff, students and parents
Lead retreat type experiences
Interest in and development of the faith life or the staff and school families
Develop a fuller prayer life for each student
Teach and exemplify core Christian values

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* 6. Is there anything else you would like the search committee to consider when searching for the new IHM School principal?

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* 7. Is there anything you would like to see improve and/or what do you like best at IHM School?

0 of 7 answered