Question Title

* 1. Please select whether you are a Reiki Practitioner or Reiki Teacher below:

Question Title

* 3. In which Province are you based?

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* 4. Are you currently a Member of any Reiki Association (or similar), locally or internationally?

Question Title

* 5. If you are currently a Member of an Association, what are your MAIN reasons for being a member? (Select all statements that apply) Select N/A if you are not a Member of an Association.

Question Title

* 6. If you are not currently a Member of an Association, what are your MAIN reasons for this (select all that apply below). Select N/A if you are a Member of an Association.

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* 7. When it comes to the possibility of Reiki being regulated, what are your thoughts on this?

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* 8. If a level of regulation meant that Medical Aids would cover Reiki sessions, would you welcome this?

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* 9. Do you believe there should be minimum standards - particularly for teaching?  Below are some examples of areas where minimum standards could apply.  Do you agree or disagree with these?

  I agree I disagree I don't know
Reiki courses should take place over a minimum length of time
Online Reiki courses with no personal teacher interaction are fine
There should be time in between Practitioner level and Masters, for Practitoners to get client experience
Reiki Practitioners should be required to submit case studies before becoming Masters
It is fine to become a Reiki Teacher even if you have not practiced and don't see clients
Reiki manuals should be created by the Teacher and not copied in full from another Teacher or source, without permission

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* 10. If you could wave a magic wand to improve Reiki in South Africa overnight, what would you improve?

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* 11. What would help you most as a Practitioner or Teacher?

  I'd love this! I might like this I don't need this
Sharing interesting case studies
Getting advice when clients aren't progressing
Recapping of Reiki techniques
Inspiration to try new things
Having 'Reiki Share' get-togethers
Having an advertising platform for my business
Having a mentor to help build my confidence
Getting more clients
For the public to have a more accurate understanding of what Reiki is

Question Title

* 12. Do you have any other comments or thoughts to add?

100% of survey complete.