Untitled Survey Question Title * 1. Which are you most interested in? Reiki Yoga Meditation EFT Writing Moving past fear & making change Other (please specify) None of the above Question Title * 2. Do you need help getting started with yoga? Yes No Maybe Other (please specify) None of the above Question Title * 3. Do you need help getting started with meditation? Yes No Maybe Other (please specify) None of the above Question Title * 4. If you were to try yoga, which would you prefer? Online in a group Online by myself, one on one with the teacher? I just want to watch a video I'd rather take an in-person class I'd like a blend of online & in-person options Other (please specify) None of the above Question Title * 5. If you were to try meditation, which would you prefer? Online in a group Online by myself, one on one with the teacher I just want to watch a video I just want to listen to audio I'd rather take an in-person class I'd like a blend of online & in-person options Other (please specify) None of the above Question Title * 6. I'd like a "recipe" to give me a daily yoga +/or meditation practice I'd like this for yoga I'd like this for meditation I'd like this for both yoga & meditation Other (please specify) None of the above Question Title * 7. If I were to receive a "recipe" for yoga +/or meditation, I'd like it via: Something I can read Something I can listen to Something I can watch A mix of reading + listening A mix of reading + watching An option to read, listen, and/or watch Other (please specify) None of the above Question Title * 8. I'd like to receive a "recipe" for yoga +/or meditation: Daily, Monday-Friday Daily 7 days a week Once a week Twice a week Every other week Twice a month Once a month Other (please specify) None of the above Done