Welcome to our survey on philanthropy’s role in partnerships for systemic change!

Philanthropy Europe Association (Philea) and The Partnering Initiative (TPI) invite you to share your experience and insights with this survey that we run as part of TPI’s programme ‘TRANSFORM! Empowering philanthropy as catalytic partners for systemic change’.

Your inputs to this survey will directly influence the design of a major new programme to help shift sector practice and develop the institutional capabilities of philanthropy to deliver systemic change through multi-stakeholder collaboration.

This survey is intended for philanthropic foundations and it should take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete. All responses will be kept confidential, and the data will only be used in aggregate form. By submitting this survey you will be added to the list of people who will be the first to receive the consolidated results of this global insight gathering.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to Lina Kukulskyte at lina.kukulskyte@tpiglobal.org.

Thank you for your participation! Your input will make a valuable contribution towards advancing the field of transformational partnerships.

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* 1. Please tick the box to indicate your consent to participate in this survey and allow the use of your responses for the TRANSFORM! programme. Your information will be kept confidential and will not be shared outside TPI and Philea research team.

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* 2. Please provide your:

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* 3. Is your foundation:

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* 4. What is your organisation's typical annual philanthropic spending?

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* 5. Please tick all the regions where your philanthropy is active:

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* 6. Please tick all thematic areas that your philanthropy works in:

14% of survey complete.