Brokers - help us rate your MGAs!

What qualities do you look for in an MGA? Tell us how well your partners are performing!

Insurance Business Canada is reaching out to brokers to help us uncover the best businesses in the industry.

Your participation in this survey ensures that our industry recognizes and addresses priorities in the broker-MGA relationship. We want to award the best businesses in the industry and celebrate their achievements and excellence.

The survey takes only a few minutes to complete and for every survey that is completed, we will plant a tree on your behalf.

Look out for the results in Insurance Business Canada's website in October.

The survey ends Friday, July 19.

Insurance Business is honored to support reforestation with One Tree Planted as part of our commitment to sustainability.

For any questions or clarifications, you may contact

Note: Please make sure you don't take more than 5 minutes on a single page as the platform will refresh and you could possibly lose your progress in the survey.

Question Title

* 1. Please rate the importance of the following when choosing an MGA where 1 = not important and 5  = very important

  1 (not important) 2 3 4 5 (very important)
Technical expertise and product knowledge
Ability to place niche or emerging risks
Range of products
Compensation (commission, bonuses, profit share, etc.)
Overall responsiveness
Marketing support
Geographical reach

Question Title

* 2. How are MGAs performing in these key areas? 1 = not important and 5  = very important

  1 (not important) 2 3 4 5 (very important)
Technical expertise and product knowledge
Ability to place niche or emerging risks
Range of products
Compensation (commission, bonuses, profit share, etc.)
Overall responsiveness
Marketing support
Geographical reach

Question Title

* 3. How many times have you used an MGA in the last 6 months?

Question Title

* 4. Why would you choose to reach out to an MGA? Please select the top three reasons

Question Title

* 5. On average, how many MGAs do you "bid out" an insurance placement through?