If you have any questions about this program or form, please contact Bobbi Murray (First Nations Cadetship Administrator) at bobbi.murray@clcnsw.org.au or call (02) 9212 7333 then press 9.

Step 1 - Expression of Interest
Fill out this online form! We are not asking for a resume, CV, cover letter, or additional documentation at this stage.

Step 2 - Interviews
If you are selected for an interview, you may be asked to provide further documents (such as evidence documents or a resume) before your interview.

Step 3 - Offers
Successful students will be contacted with an offer to participate in the First Nations Cadetship Program. We'll then work with you closely to design a program plan and placements that suit your goals and needs.

Question Title

* 1. Contact information

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* 2. What are you currently studying?

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* 3. What university are you studying at?

Please note, if you are offered an interview, you will be required to provide proof that you are enrolled in either Law (or equivalent), Social Work, Communications, or Community Development at an approved Australian tertiary institution. You can be studying an undergraduate degree , a combined undergraduate degree , a post graduate degree, or, an Honours/Masters.

Question Title

* 4. When will you finish your degree?

You must be in your 3rd year or more for Law, or within the last 2 years of your Social Work, Communications, or Community Development degree.

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* 5. Do you identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander and are accepted as such in the community?

This cadetship is for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students only. Please note, if you are offered an interview, you will be required to provide a confirmation of Aboriginality letter, or a support letter from an Aboriginal Community Organisation that you are a member of.

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* 6. Why are you interested in participating in the First Nations Cadetship Program? (200 words)

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* 7. Tell us about your commitment to social justice. Feel free to use examples from your experience. (200 words)

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* 8. Tell us a bit about your aspirations (professional, personal, community-based)? How do you see the First Nations Cadetship Program supporting you to achieve these goals? (200 words)

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* 9. Is there anything else you'd like to add?