Tennis Manitoba - Team Tennis League

Team Tennis league – Feedback from the survey will be used to formulate the final league design, the following are the key elements.
• A weekly competition between teams from each participating clubs. What defines a team is TBD.
• Men’s and Ladies division for: Masters (60+), Adult (Open), and Junior (<18). • Each Division will be broken down per level, follow this link to Tennis Canada’s rating guide. The number of levels within the league is TBD but will be based on demand.
• Matches can be Doubles and Singles, however League matches will be Doubles for the first year.
• Matches – objective to have 1.5-hour matches, 3 sets with 3rd set being a 10-point tie breaker. 
• More details and refinement to come!
1.Are you interested in playing in a Team tennis league based on the concept above or of similar design?
2.What Club are you a member?
3.Would you prefer to play your team matches at?
4.Are you?
5.Your age
6.Which division best aligns to you?
7.What is your current Skill level? Follow this link to Tennis Canada's rating guide.
8.Are you interested to play?
9.To ensure a competitive match with your peer level, would you be prepared to be rated (not self-rated?)
10.It not, how would you ensure players are not playing above or below their skill set?
11.When would you prefer to play?
12.How much of a registration fee would be appropriate to cover a portion of league costs (in your opinion)?
13.As with any endeavour, this initiative can not be run and sustained without volunteers. That includes running the league office (League Commissioner, Scheduler, Communications etc.) and your Club team as a Captain or representative.
Are you interested in participating in some volunteer capacity?
14.Any other suggestions you wish to provide Tennis Manitoba either in the decision to create the league or it's design?