CSI FAMILY/COMMUNITY SURVEY - SPRING 2021 Question Title * 1. What best describes your current relationship with the Sand Springs School District? (Select only one) Parent/Guardian (not district employee)/ Skip to question 2 Parent/Guardian (district employee)/ Skip to question 2 District Employee Only/ Skip to question 9 Community Member/ Skip to question 9 OK Question Title * 2. Please select your child's school site. If you have more than one child, only select one site. Early Childhood Education Center Early Learning Center Daycare Angus Valley Elementary Garfield STEAM Academy Limestone Technology Academy Northwoods Fine Arts Academy Pratt Elementary Clyde Boyd Middle School Charles Page Freshman Academy Charles Page High School Page Academy Tulsa Boys Home Virtual Academy OK Question Title * 3. The school staff collaborates and communicates well with families. Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree OK Question Title * 4. I know what my child's teacher expects of my child. Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree OK Question Title * 5. I monitor my child's schoolwork and homework. Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree OK Question Title * 6. Do you feel there is a need to provide homework support for parents/guardians? Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree OK Question Title * 7. As a parent/guardian, what homework support would you find useful? OK Question Title * 8. I participate in my student(s) parent/teacher conferences. Yes No OK Question Title * 9. The school meets the academic needs of my student and other students. Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree OK Question Title * 10. In a typical year (non pandemic), how many hours do you volunteer at your student(s) school-related activities (during/after school)? 0 hours 1 hour 2 hours 3 hours 4 hours 5 hours 6 hours 7 hours 8 hours 9 hours 10 hours 11 hours OK Question Title * 11. On an average in a typical year (non pandemic), how often do you visit your student(s) school per semester (not including drop-off/pick-up)? Never One time Two times Three times Four times Five times Six or more times OK Question Title * 12. The school staff collaborates and communicates well with community members. Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree OK Question Title * 13. I receive regular communications about school events and parent conferences. Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree OK Question Title * 14. I feel comfortable communicating with my child's teacher. Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree OK Question Title * 15. I feel comfortable communicating with my school's office and administration. Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree OK Question Title * 16. Communication from the school is timely and in a format / language I can easily understand. Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree OK Question Title * 17. I prefer to receive information from my school by (please check all that apply): Email Letter or memo sent with student District App Notification Text Message Phone Website Social Media Sandite Learning YouTube Channel Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 18. As a community member, would you be interested in learning more about opportunities to volunteer for our school? Yes No Maybe OK Question Title * 19. Volunteer - If you marked yes to the previous question, please provide your name and contact information. A district representative will contact you in the next month. Name Company Address Address 2 City/Town State/Province ZIP/Postal Code Email Address Phone Number OK Question Title * 20. As a community member or business, would you like to be involved in recognizing student success in our district? Yes No Maybe OK Question Title * 21. Student Success - If you marked yes to the previous question regarding Student Success, please provide your name and contact information. A district representative will contact you in the next month. Name Company Address Address 2 City/Town State/Province ZIP/Postal Code Email Address Phone Number OK Question Title * 22. The district is considering providing a variety of training sessions and evening forums for families and community members, what topics would you like to see us make available? OK Question Title * 23. Our schools involve families and the community in the decision-making process. Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree OK Question Title * 24. In the past year, I have attended at least one school-sponsored event. Yes No OK Question Title * 25. I feel welcomed at school sites. Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree OK Question Title * 26. I feel the district/school values my input. Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree OK Question Title * 27. The district/school provides opportunities for me to voice my input. Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree OK Question Title * 28. Our schools are graduating students who are prepared for higher education or the workforce. Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree OK Question Title * 29. School policies and rules are stated clearly. Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree OK Question Title * 30. I visit the district website, www.sandites.org, at least once per month. Yes No OK Question Title * 31. This school year, the district provided District Dialogue sessions via our Sandite Learning YouTube Channel. How often did you watch or participate in these sessions? Never Seldom Often Frequently Never Seldom Often Frequently OK Question Title * 32. Do you have any final suggestions or ideas to improve our district or your child's school? OK DONE